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Note: O means original; as in originally from this universe.

(AN: This universe's Tsunayoshi and his guardians are the same age as Cielo and his group, except for this universe's Lambo who is five.)

Cielo first went to Namimori park and turned his watch into a laptop. After opening a bank account he did a few hacking and information gathering job online and made a few million dollars. This money was to pay for his expenses on this trip.

He put on back his watch and went to find an apartment in a familiar neighborhood. It was the house next to the Sawadas'. The apartment only had two floors but it was well furnished and comfy. He already had lunch back at the hotel and was free at this time.

Cielo decided to go and explore. He received all the memories and information on his counterpart, Sawada Tsunayoshi, in this universe. Based on all the memories he received he knew what he needed to know, including the future this universe was heading towards.

His first stop was a dinner called Take Sushi. He entered and the doorbell rang. There were plenty of customers inside. Cielo took a seat and read the menu. He stared out the window at nothing in particular until a teen came over at his table.

He knew the teen. He was the original Yamamoto Takeshi of this world. He was the rain guardian of Sawada Tsunayoshi from this world, in other words the guardian of his very own counterpart. The Takeshi of this universe was similar to the Takeshi he knew. They both had the same family background.

O Takeshi's Pov

After going out with Tsuna and the others we parted ways and now I am back at the café helping out my dad. Dad was preparing the food while the other staffs were busy serving our customers. I looked up when I heard the bell at the door and spotted a teen with long white hair.

He was so fair and handsome like a person out of a fairytale. He was dressed casually in blue and white. I stayed put and observed him for a while, watching as he looked over the menu then stared out the window at the street outside. I think it's time I went and say hello.

I walked over to him and before I could open my mouth he turned and looked at me. It was the first time I have seen such a beautiful yet freezing pair of blue eyes. His entire person was like a block of ice; cold and indifferent to the world.

I instinctively wanted to step back but something told me he meant no harm, this was what he was usually like. He looked at me with those eyes that could cause one's soul to shudder as if judging what kind of person I was. I don't blame him, after all we are both strangers yet he felt strangely familiar to me.

I smiled and asked, " Hello customer, welcome to Take Sushi the best seafood place in town! What can we do for you today?"

His next words surprised me. He said, " Sit with me. Feel free to order two servings of any dish and beverage of your choice. Let someone else serve us while we wait."

I didn't question him since here at our Cafe we try to meet customers' requests, even if they were strange like this. I called over a waiter and ordered two plates of our signature dish and two strawberry milkshakes. In no time everything was prepared and placed in front of us.

He took a sip of the milkshake and seemed to be contended. He continued staring out the window without saying a word.

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