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As the three armies clashed with those from Cielo Mansion others started taking notice but sensing the three power houses they kept their distance watching and waiting to make a move if need be. One of these person was the current headmaster of Namimori Academy of Flames who was observing the battle in a crystal ball.

Bianchi who no one payed attention to disappeared into the Shadows. A spider rested on her shoulders its mouth moving chittering away giving commands to her hundred thousands of offsprings.

" Zhi, how longer?", Bianchi questioned.

Zhi put up her two front legs, " Master are you sure it's time?"

" Of course. Cielo kun will soon return. My task is to protect Futta, but I had also made a promise to her. I made my choice, this is the right time, after all I can see that the others are happy and will become friends with Cielo in the end.", Bianchi sighted thinking back to her promise those years ago.

Four years ago...

In a  familiar looking apartment in Italy....

A younger version of Bianchi stood in the garden and next to her in a wheelchair sat Luce who looked very sickly. She was forced to age because of the demonic kiss. Luce sat under an umbrella as she was served with a plate of fruits and tea on the table in front of her.

" Bianchi come and sit with me.", Luce offered gently.

" Sure Madam Luce.", Bianchi agreed. She quite loved the old lady but more so she liked the boy who wasn't currently there. He didn't go out on any of his missions today, after breakfast he retired to his room to rest.

" Bianchi dear if you have a question you can ask, I trust you and will answer the question if it is within my ability.", Luce smile made her wrinkled face beautiful.

Bianchi looked down at the cup of tea in front of her, the gentle breeze made ripples on the surface just like how the question she asked caused ripples in her heart, " Madam Luce, I know it's not my place to ask but I can't help it, Why? Cielo kun is obviously just a child not even eleven years old, why let a child suffer so cruelly?"

Luce extended a feeble hand and wiped the tears at the corner of Bianchi's eyes, " Child, I know having a brother the same age as Cielo kun makes it harder to watch his actions as the day goes by, but one day I too hope for someone to pull him out of the abyss."

" Madam Luce I really feel useless watching on the sideline like this. He is my master and I can't do much.", Bianchi lamented.

Luce took her hand and Bianchi felt something small landed on her palm. Luce folded Bianchi's finger over the object, " " Bianchi I don't have much time, today is my last day here in this world I originally wanted to be the one to break this news to him, but seeing how much he suffers now I want him to only discover it in the future when he have others that can comfort him."

" Your task is to hand it to him whenever you deemed it fit. I assure you this will help him get a brighter future, even if it seems like a wrong move at the beginning."

Bianchi could not say a word. In the end she still replied, " I promise you to complete this task no matter how long I wait I will remember."

" Good girl. I am afraid this is farewell. Take me to my room and call Cielo kun, I must also bid him goodbye.", Luce didn't seem to regret her choice even on her deathbed.

Bianchi took her to her room and went to call Cielo who had awaken from a nightmare. This was the morning before Luce passed away.

Upon leaving that day Bianchi finally opened her hand and saw a memory chip lying on her palm.

End of flashback....

Bianchi took off the ring on her finger and removed a black rock that was embedded into the ring. Where the rock once was a familiar memory chip layed there quietly.

If only Cielo knew what terrible truth and conspiracy this

chip held.

AN: This chip holds the shocking truth that will lead to the first plot twist of the series. That arc starts at chapter 70. And for your information Bianchi did not know what was on the chip.

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