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Cielo inserted the memory chip into his desk computer and sat down at the desk. This desk and all the high tech devices gadgets and computers were set up for Ciel's job as an international hacker.

The room was rather white and plain with a modern touch. Light blue drapes were at the windows and as the breeze blew it let the sunlight in lighting up the room. There was a light blue carpet on the floor.

There were few additional pieces of furniture in this room not counting his work station. One was a king sized bed with blue and white blankets piled high with cushions and pillows. A white marble side table with a techy lamp.

A long standing Mirror in the middle of the room facing the bed with a small cushion seat in front of it. And a grand glass piano close to the window with a seat. As for other rooms there was a door for his bathroom and another door for his walk in closet.

The computer displayed what was on the chip. There were two things inside a file. One was a letter and one was a video without a title. His intuition told him to open the letter first.

The letter was from Luce as expected, but the contents were definitely not.

Dear Cielo Kun

How have you been Cielo kun? I know I wont be here when you read this to hear the answer. I just hope you are doing fine and at least let go of my death at this time.

I have no intention to hurt you but I must tell you that back when you were at the mansion, I secretly hope that you had a family to care for you,  so I secretly went and dug up the truth, but what I discovered shattered my hopes.

The video was a confession from a lady I traced down, I will not leave an address in case those people  found her.

After watching the video I hope that whatever you do after leaves you no regret.

Cielo Kun I am sorry.


Cielo back up the letter before opening the video. It was a young woman with a veil over her face. She seem to be crying as she told the truth of a pair of wicked human hearts.

Growing up there were twin girls next door one was Nana and the other Nakay. Nana was lively and Nakay was quiet later I found out that the reason was because she had a frail heart and his often sick from birth.

The two sisters loved each other dearly so the parents hid the truth from them. Then everything changed after the twins eight birthday. That day the parents took the twins to a park and I so happened to be there.

I was always there even when they didn't notice like a shadow. I was shy and  socially handicapped at that time so I stayed inside with books and games, but everyday I usually watch the twins next door play.

Now for what happened on that day at the park. Nakay suddenly fainted and they rushed her to the hospital. I don't know what they were told but after that they packed up Nana and shipped her abroad to Italy to live with a distant relative.

I was now brave enough to approach Nakay and became friends. She told me that her parents told her the truth and to make her live out her few short years they will dedicate their time to her and not telling her sister the truth they shipped her abroad so she will never know.

Their parents always went to visit Nana in Italy and leave Nakay with me. She never saw her sister again, what she didn't know was that her sister hated her for being sent away thinking their parents no longer wanted her.

But being a socially awkward person with high IQ I learnt to hack. I wanted to follow the other sister through the internet so I can always tell Nakay what her sister was doing.

Continuation of confession video in next chapter....

Can you guess the truth that will be revealed?

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