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Chrome and Mukuro opened their eyes and found themselves laying on their backs in a bed of grass and flowers. The sky was clear and blue with a few clouds and birds in the sky. Beautiful Bees, Butterflies fluttered by. The trees and long stalks of grass swayed in the gentle breeze.

They sat up. The land they were in was a plain that expanded as far as the eyes could see. The twin's intuition told them that something was wrong with this picture.

" Brother, do you think something is wrong?" Chrome questioned. Mukuro answered without hesitation, " There is something definitely wrong." Just then little Tsuna appeared with a note and a telescope in his hand.

" Hi! I am Tsuna your guide. The test giver wanted me to give you your goal and a prop. Here you go.", He handed them the telescope and the note.

The note was basically the same that the others received. But the simple telescope was the key to break the upcoming challenge. The siblings took a look and was startled to see the scene in front of them was completely the opposite.

It was a rope bridge that precariously stretched over a gaping abyss. Floating phantoms roam in the gathering mist that rose up from the gaping maws below making visibility on the bridge slim to none.

The bridge had planks falling off, there were intermittent gaps, and the monsters would attack the moment they sensed someone on the bridge.

 Their goal was to cross the bridge in one piece. It was quite a straightforward test if you asked the twins, they weren't scared in the least. With little Tsuna floating by their side the twins stepped on the bridge together.

The bridge was very long and once they managed to reach the middle in half an hour the challenge became more difficult. The monsters noticed them and started attacking. To make matters worse the bridge behind was slowly disintegrating, and in a rapid manner.

The twins whipped out their tridents and quickly got rid of the monsters. Despite the bridge having missing walkways shrouded in mist, the twins had no time to consider safety.

The two grab a hold of each other and started running. There was a swarm of monsters in front and a disappearing bridge behind. There was only one thing left to do.

" Shall we, brother?", Chrome asked.

" We shall little sis.", Mukuro agreed.

Both said in unison, " After all our life was given by Cielo's kindness. We believe in trust and Cielo."

The two didn't hesitate and jumped off the bridge hand in hand in the abyss below. Seeing this little Tsuna had a strange flicker in his eyes before he followed. 

Chrome and Mukuro opened their eyes and found themselves laying on their backs in a bed of grass and flowers. 

This was exactly where they started. The twins looked at each other smiling. They knew they were right to choose to trust Cielo with their lives. This was the perfect Sky and they had also passed the challenge.

Little Tsuna appeared again holding two indigo lights. The lights floated to the two and when the light disappeared it revealed two identical rings. The rings were design like the others, but the color of their gem was indigo.

Tsuna looked over at them and asked, " Why did you trust him?"

Mukuro retorted with a question, " Why don't you trust yourself?"

Tsuna didn't answer the question.

Chrome interjected, " It's fine to trust your own choices, even when others don't approve or agree with them."

" Humans are a wonder.", little Tsuna replied with a chuckle before leaving. 

Another announcement echoed in Cielo's mind, " Congratulations to Mukuro Rukudo and Chrome Dukuro who cleared the test of trust and are rewarded the title of Mist guardians."

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