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The Academy doesn't give out missions until the beginning of the second term so that the students learn new information in the first term for their Christmas break exams.

When Lunch time came around those in Cielo group sat in the cafeteria for lunch since it was raining on the roof. Whenever this happened the group would have Lunch together indoors, excluding Cielo and Kyoya. The former would go to the Library while the latter would eat in his private office.

Today Cielo was in the Library browsing books he hadn't read before. He had the education of a college graduate so he didn't need to study books yet he did it just to find some information that might prove useful since he had the free time anyways.

A few students were the only ones inside the huge Library besides Cielo and the assistant Librarian that only works during lunch period, Bianchi. Today was fated to be a day of fateful encounters since a familiar yet not familiar person appeared around Cielo's table.

This person had red hair and wore glasses. He was new student in Cielo's class, Shoichi Irie. He sat down quietly not disturbing Cielo as he took a book and began reading.

Shortly after another familiar person who was in Cielo class sat around the table seeming not to have noticed that the table was occupied by two other individuals. It was Enma Shimon who truly hadn't realize that they were there dew to the piles of book blocking them from view.

He wasn't the only one though. Yuni Giglo Nero another familiar person from Cielo's class sat at the table with a pile of books. When each person sat down the others who were already there didn't make any movements.

They all had a pile of book in front of them. It was only around ten minutes later they all suddenly realized by the sound of turning pages that they weren't alone at the table, not Cielo because he just didn't care. By this time most of the books were cleared away revealing the four who were seated there.

Except for Cielo they all had an awkward and embarrassed expression. Cielo was nonchalant as he ignored them.
" Enma?!", Yuni sounded surprised.
" Yuni?!", Enma too was shocked.
" Am I intruding?", Shoichi inquired.

" Not at all! You are Shoichi right?", Yuni and Enma asked in sync. Shoichi nodded, " Shoichi Irie new to your class. I am Leymitsu's Sun guardian. I saw you two at the End of summer gathering."
" That's right. I am Yuni Giglo Nero the heir of the Giglo Nero Kingdom. It's nice to meet you.", Yuni was cheerful and polite.

" I am Enma Shimon. Heir of the Shimon Kingdom. It's great to personally meet a Vongola guardian. The kingdom you now serve is the leader of our five great kingdoms.", Enma told him.

" It's both my honor and pleasure to personally meet two heirs. It's even more unimaginable that I would be placed in the same class as all the heirs.", Shoichi was visibly excited. Upon realizing something he asked Cielo who he didn't notice, " Pardon me but who are you?"

Shoichi was smart enough to do is research on all the heirs and guardians upon being appointed as a guardian himself when he was enrolled in the Academy. He somehow didn't recognize this white hair teen in front of him, yet he remembered clearly this teen stood out at the event in Italy and he was in the same class.

Before Yuni and Enma could warn Shoichi about Cielo's personality the latter actually replied, but with one word, " Cielo"

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