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Such a beautiful and tranquil winter day dawned with beautiful and clear skies, but whether this day end as beautiful as it began no one knew. Saturday came as soon as dawn broke and the first rays of the sun showed on earth, today Cielo and company will depart from this universe and back to their own world.

Before they all went to the appointed place they took the few hours early in the morning to walk around, or more likely that's what Cielo was doing when he saw a familiar brunette standing at the front of the neighboring house apparently waiting for him.

Tsuna saw him not too far and wave at him in greeting, " Good morning Cielo."

" Goodmorning Tsunayoshi.", Cielo hummed.

" Thank you for last night. I had fun and I hoped you did too.", Tsuna showed his gratitude sincerely.

" Tsu kun is this another one of your friends? Why not invite him since the others are all here?", a sweet and caring voice came from inside the house. Two more persons popped up at the door behind him.

One was a toddler wearing a suit and fedora and he was standing beside a young lady that looked similar to Tsuna. She was naturally Nana Sawada of this world. Seeing her Cielo was immediately reminded of that evil bitch that said she wanted him to scream before he died after she used a knife to stab him.

As if catching the brief look of loathing Cielo used to eye his mother Tsuna wanted to refuse her, but before he could open his mouth he was interrupted by Reborn. Reborn suggested, " You will agree won't you Cielo?. After all Tsuna and the others are here for breakfast and learned that you were leaving today."

Cielo looked at his counterpart who obviously wanted him to say yes with those puppy dog eyes of his. He thought inwardly, ' what a pathetic me ', while he said aloud, " Fine."

" Great!", Tsuna exclaimed and in his excitement he directly grabbed on to Cielo's wrist and ran in the house shouting, " Guys! Cielo stopped by."

They arrived at the dining table and all Tsuna's guardians, except for Hayato and Lambo who were upstairs looked up from their breakfast to look at him. These were all Cielo had met and interacted with during these two week, the only one who was an exception to this was this Reborn.

Tsuna sat Cielo down next to him without asking permission, yet Cielo didn't mind. What he minded was Nana who came over to serve him food. As she was about to place a plate in front of him he refused flatly, " I am not staying long, so there is no need."

Nana was a bit startled but she brushed it off because she was used to the different personalities of her son's friends. She smiled kindly as she responded, " No need to be shy. As a friend of Tsu kun—"

He interrupted her, " I assure you I am not a friend of your son. I don't steal other people's children, especially from their mother. "

Nana was at a loss with this strange person, " I really don't get your meaning. Could you explain?"

He lifted his bangs revealing those winter blue eyes as he tilted his head and said in a condescending tone, " Naturally, Sawada Nana, what I meant earlier was that even though your presence is like poison to me, at least you know that you have a son and acknowledge him. I commend you for that."

Now that was a weird thing to say. Nana felt she had better leave her son and his strange companions alone, so she left and busied herself in the kitchen. The others kept staring at Cielo. He raised an eyebrow, " What?"

But they were suddenly interrupted by a flying object that came from the stairs. Cielo was blasted by a pink smoke and a loud shout came from the top of the stairs, " STUPID COW! "

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