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The battle was slowly heating up. As more fell more replaced them from the open wormhole in the sky. When the group finally cleaned out the last of the remaining demons and the bodies were burnt to ashes and blown away with the wind it was already 1 am, a full hour later.

There was a lot of explosion and beautiful fireworks lighting up the starry sky that was slowly loosing its inky colour, a sign that dawn would be approaching in a few more hours. This was when the last of the three legions perished and a powerful aura swept out of the wormhole.

'Another greater foe is approaching' were the thoughts of those from the mansion. And low and behold the first one of three stepped out of the wormhole.

He was tall and his body structure under the long black cloak was like a wraith, he also had the air of death all around him. The white skull mask with black pattern made it all the more real. His long grey wispy hair was gently blowing in the morning wind setting off his glittering black eyes that resemble the abyss.

He carried two weapons with him. On his side was a white scabbard that held a bone sword, and on his back was a scythe. This was an undead general, an apostle of Zia.

His cold unfeeling eyes swept over the mist siblings and based on his eerie tone they could tell he was smiling under the mask, " Hello humans, I am the undead king Gundan, one of many apostles serving Lord Zia. Many of my brethrens perished under the blades of you two humans. I think you need to be rewarded. Hehe."

The second person to exit the wormhole was a demoness whose beauty was actually a calamity. Her skin was pale blue, flawless and stretched over her slender limbs and perfect curves. She was wearing a ocean blue veil dress that was revealing and only covered the important parts.

Her face was the real master piece. Highly charming to the level of making the world loose its colours, highly seducing. Her dark blue hair braided with pearls, gems and shells was laying there on her back. Her cheeks were covered with shiny blue scales matching her ocean blue eyes.

When she opened her mouth to speak to Lambo and Ryohei it was as if the waves crashed together to make music, " Hi boys, big sister Nagammai one of Lord Phinaal's many apostles dropped by to say hello."

The last person to come out of the wormhole was a man with flaming red hair, literally his hair was on fire. His chest was bare and his abs were showing under the torch of his hair.

He was wearing leather bottom and his feet were also bare. Except for his scarlet eyes that matched his flaming hair he looked like a human with bloody red lips. His face was human like in every sense.

On his shoulder he was carrying a flaming axe. He looked like a god of war in ancient times. He looked like he was itching for a fight, " Lowly humans let's have some fun. I hope you won't die too quickly. This seat name is Sapaku. Master of the flaming axe, and one out of many apostles serving the Lord Shiva."

He set his eyes on Kyoya and Futta not too far away. The wormhole disintegrated behind him. The three new arrivals landed on different parts of the battlefield.

So here we are again facing another inevitable battle. The opponents; Gundan against Mukuro and Chrome. Nagammai against Lambo and Ryohei. Sapaku against Kyoya and Futta. Bianchi was gathering Intel left forgotten in the shadows.

She was great at masking her presence having received Cielo's training. The only ones who actually knew that she was there was the Demon Lords and they did not take her into account

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