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The Lion majestic appearance and entrance left most of the spectators in awe. Some asked themselves, " It's just a familiar how powerful is it in the end?" This though came mostly from the Demon's side.

" Snow if you do a satisfactory job I will reward you.", Cielo dropped this line to snow as he patted the lion on its head. No one could see that with this inconspicuous movements whenever his palm made contact with Snow a mysterious blue flame was transferred to the familiar.

This flame of Cielo that Estraneo gave the name Ice flames was in fact name Soul flames. As the name suggested it was connected to the soul. Cielo owned this flame because he was not a human, in fact he did not belong to any of the existing races.

He was the first one of his race to be born on earth. This race had many characteristics and traits. One person belonging to this race would pop up in the future some generations apart conceived by an ordinary human couple. Those from this race can live for a thousand years.

This race did not reproduce their own kind since only one can exist at a time. They had a human appearance both inside and outside, human intelligence and instincts. One can say they were so similar to humans that they can be easily mistaken for one.

Beware Humans were entirely different from Cielo's race. The name of this peculiar race was named Soul supremes. The first thing to note about a Soul supreme was their signature flame the Soul flames.

This flame was deadly. This was due to what it was capable of. It could imprison a soul for all eternity keeping it in a seal. It could directly extinguish, meaning destroy, a soul by burning it. It doesn't matter whose soul it was, it even pose a threat to the Demon King of the Netherworld and Demon Lords.

The second thing to note about a Soul supreme was their emotions, this was the main factor why Soul supremes were different than humans. They were not born with emotions, they will always be indifferent to mundane things in the world.

Not born with emotions did not mean they could not feel emotions. There indifferent hearts need a very strong stimulus to get a reaction from their emotions. Otherwise they will always remain indifferent.

The reason behind this was because it was very crucial that their souls remain undisturbed no matter what in order to control their soul flames.

They had a duty similar to the higher beings. The higher beings were created to protect the power of the universe and keep the universe balanced (the multicolored cube that later became parts of the Tri-ni-sette).

The Soul supremes were created to maintain a balance between races of the universe. They were tasked to eliminate a soul that will endanger any of the races, may they be a demon, monster, human, or higher being

They should remain indifferent to all the races not showing preferences to any race in case of making a wrong judgement that will lead to the elimination of a race. Thus, they were created with dormant emotions that can only be rarely stimulated.

Cielo was the only Soul supreme in the world at this time and his awakening was slightly incomplete. This was because at a young age he was unaware that he was not a human.

His parents told him about the grave sin he committed when he was born so without realizing it he who found himself lonely found it a surprise when he felt a strange sensation the first time he saw his baby brother.

It was a brotherly love. But that sensation was shattered the moment his brother betrayed him by plunging that knife in his heart. All the torturous long years that followed because of that betrayal stimulated the emotion of anger and hatred within Cielo's heart that could not be erased.

Thus his awakening was incomplete, because his heart was stuck on one emotion for too long. Cielo learned the secrets of his race when he was imprisoned by Shiva those four years.

Cielo was smart enough not to reveal that he was aware of why the Demon Lords wanted him so badly, so he decided to use Snow as a means to secretly use his Soul flames in this upcoming battle.

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