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After going to see this world's Yuni Cielo teleported back to Japan. Upon his return the next day after Namimori high dismissed its students he went in a certain direction.

On a small hill overlooking Namimori town two individuals dressed in uniforms were busy sparring or more likely demolishing the surroundings since they were so powerful and destructive.

Both were using flames and weapons; one used purple flames and a pair of tonfas, while the other used indigo flames and a trident. These two were Mukuro Rukudo and Hibari Kyoya, this world's Tsunayoshi mist and cloud guardian respectively.

Cielo stood on the highest branch of a tall tree just a few yards from the dueling pair. He was clearly observing them while his presence was masked, if one didn't look keenly they wouldn't notice him there.

O Mukuro's pov

Today it seems the Skylark(Kyoya) is too hyperactive, so as usual I went out of my way to get him spar with me. It seems using this aloof cloud to improve myself is quite effective, kufufu.

The place we are fighting now is Namimori hill our usual spot to meet up. It was all going well until the two of us stepped a moment to catch our breath then we heard clapping.

The skylark and I looked over and saw him on top of a tree. He jumped down, his white hair flowing in the wind behind him revealing his fair face and those narrowed and cold blue eyes of his. He landed on his feet gracefully.

" I would like to join this play of yours. Two on one. How does that sound?", He pulled out a pair of swords with snow hilt while he ask. From his action and tone it clearly showed that he wasn't allowing them to refuse. We could tell that he was dangerous, this will be so much fun!

" Hn. Seems capable than this pineapple.", says Kyoya.

For once I ignored the fact that he addressed me as such as I told the white head, " Kufufu, so you were the one who was with my Chrome Saturday. I agree to this match!"

I was not expecting him to put away one of his sword. He held out his right hand holding the sword horizontally. He activated his flames and his aura suddenly changed giving the feeling of a blizzard.

What surprised me more was his eyes. His Iris(s) were glowing with two different colours, a indigo ring inside a purple ring. This meant he was using both of our flame types! Sensing the change Kyoya and I had our flames and weapons at the ready.

He (Cielo) waved the sword above his head creating an arc of multiple swords that floated above his head in a fan shape. I sensed that some of those swords were illusions and some were real replicas created by his cloud flames.

He waved his other hand towards us and the floating swords came at us the same time he did. The three of us went head on. We successfully blocked the swords which in itself is a very tricky process.

The replicas would be blocked, the illusions would pass through our defence and leave a  small line of blood on our hands and feets. We then ignore them thinking they were done, the real issue was that they switched place with the replicas mixing reality with illusions, the end result; more painful cuts.

As for the person himself whom we were battling he was a whole other case. Striking, blocking, attacking, parrying, switching from offense to defense in less than a second. One word to describe his strength, skills, speed, perception, control of flames, elegant movements, flawless defense; GODLY!

End of pov...

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