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Hearing what the demon lord stated that she had to sacrifice her first born baby after he was born Nana wasn't happy. She wanted her husband to get all the power that he could ascend to the throne and paved the way for her and her children, but she secretly refused to sacrifice her first born.

Iemitsu did not want to sacrifice his first child either but thinking hat he could always have other in the future, to him this is a small price to pay so he and his family can have a better future. He agreed, ' I am willing, Lord.'

' Very good. The moment it leaves its mother's whom I will devour him. You will become my first and only Human apostle.", Shiva told him. Iemitsu said thank you and ended the call. He met Nana on the stairs. Knowing she overheard he gently took her into his arms and coaxed, " We can always have others."

" We can. And I know where we can get you a baby without sacrificing mine.", Nana smiled sweetly, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of her eyes. At that time I knew where my bad premonition came from. Iemitsu seemed surprised, " You mean you really will do it for me? She is your twin."

" There is no sisters' love between us.", Nana replied.

" Ok. We will do it.", Iemitsu agreed.

I watched helplessly after Nakay came out the bath and was in her room preparing for bed, that bastard Iemitsu snuck into her room and quietly closed the door. Hearing a sound Nakay turned around and something was sprayed into her face.

My innocent Nakay was taken to bed not wearing anything and that bastard defiled such a pretty and frail flower like Nakay. He stole her chastity and had his way with her. The next morning when Nakay woke up with her brother in law next to her she was scared and almost had a heart attack.

Before she could do anything Nana burst into the room in tears and screamed, " Nakay what have you done?!"

Nakay tried explaining herself, " Sister..."

" What did you do?"

" Was this the reason you came here, to destroy my life?"

" You stole my parents, now you stole my husband?"

" Why do you hate me so much, Nakay aren't we sisters?"

Accusations one after the other smashed into her face but Nakay was never given the chance to explain herself. She saw how Nana looked at her heartbroken and Iemitsu looked at her in disgust like she was the one who climb into his bed.

" Sister I am sorry, please forgive me. I don't know how this happened.", Nakay finally squeezed out as she wiped her tears.

I saw it all. The couple with the most cruelest of hearts did that to a person who didn't have long in this world. Calling the police would never do anything to someone who was royalty, especially those with powers and can manipulate others using demonic means.

I had no right to cry when I wasn't the victim so all I could do was to send the report to the Vindicare with the evidence. As of that time those from the Vindice started monitoring Iemitsu from those years ago. They had never taken action knowing that it was going to take a lot more than that to take him down.

I called Nakay and asked how she was doing she lied to me and told me that she was fine and will be back soon so I should not worry. I asked her if I was her best friend and she said of course. I asked her why she lied to me she said that her memory was foggy and she did something bad with her brother in law.

I knew that spray must have contained drugs so I urge her to go see a doctor she finally agreed and went a week later. That was when we both discovered she was one week pregnant and the fetus just started to form. I suddenly understood what those two despicable couple were planning. They want her to bear the child of sacrifice.

Continuation of confession next chapter...

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