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Takeshi quickly walked over to the sofa and crouched down to observe Cielo. He touched Cielo's forehead and it wasn't as hot as expected but frighteningly cold like he was freezing. Takeshi wet a towel wth warm water and returned to Cielo's side.

After making a few trips back and forth he had used warm water to wipe Cielo's forehead, hands, and, feet. Cielo's body was still cool to the touch but he no longer sweated and his complexion didn't get any paler.

Takeshi gently wrapped Cielo who was already unconscious in the blanket and brought him upstairs to a empty bedroom. With tender care he laid him down into the bed and rested his head on a soft pillow. He got another thicker blanket and tucked Cielo inside creating a warm cacoon.

Takeshi walked to his own bedroom took a shower in his bathroom and put on a change of clothes. He didn't bother sleeping but went back to Cielo's side. Takeshi had never seen Cielo's Symptoms before so he didn't know how to get his temperature back to normal.

Not caring about the future consequences since Cielo's illness was serious Takeshi acted on the first idea that came to his mind. He opened the blanket and laid down next to him. He pulled the cold body into his arms and embraced it giving warmth to the other party through out the night hoping he would get better.

Several hours later Cielo woke up at noon on New year's Day. The warm rays of the sun was touching the bed which he was sleeping in. Next to the bed was a table with a tray. On the tray was a glass of warm water and a covered bowl with vegetable soup. It was still warm almost hot. A spoon and a pair of chopsticks.

Cielo glanced at it and recalled what happened last night. Although he had fallen unconscious he was aware of everything that happened to him. Having so many enemies he was capable of protecting himself despite falling weak. He knew that it was all done by Takeshi and through all his actions he felt the rain's sincerity.

Cielo took the tray to his own room and placed it there before going to the bathroom to wash up. His complexion was slightly better, but still pale and his temperature returned to normal. He was still weak but he had enough energy to complete a few simple tasks.

He came out of the bathroom and ate the soup and drank the water soothing the uncomfortableness inside his body. His injured soul had started collecting soul power with the use of his soul flames to begin the repair of his soul.

He took the tray downstairs to the kitchen and found Takeshi in the living room. Takeshi knew that he would wake up soon so he wasn't all that surprised upon seeing him. Instead he felt happy, he greeted Cielo with a smile " I am glad you are awake. Happy New year Cielo."

Cielo didn't reply immediately. He sat beside Takeshi who was taken by surprise since everyone knew Cielo never took the initiative to be in close proximity to others. Cielo leaned over closely as he observed Takeshi's face closely inch by inch.

The long staring and silence from the other party allowed Takeshi to notice his rapidly beating heart which startled him and made him vaguely aware that he had certain thoughts about Cielo. Realising this he was both happy and distressed.

" I know what you have done, ignoring the first rule in order to make sure that I was ok. You had no other ideas and followed your heart. For that you have my sincere gratitude. Thank you Takeshi.", Cielo's voice and expression showed his sincerity and honesty.

Takeshi was just about to say something when Cielo continued, " I heard your heartbeat just now. I will warn you from early; don't fall for someone like me who can't return your feelings. The concept of love and affection has long been lost on me."

Then he returned to his room.

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