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The group felt that Cielo was beyond pitiful. If they said they were hurt because of what happened to all of them, they thought it was negligible compared to the experience of Cielo.

His parents disowned and hated him, his brother the only meaning in life betrayed him, his parents sold him, he was experimented on for two years, the only persons who were kind to him sacrificed their lives for him, and he was locked in a dungeon and tortured by a Demon Lord.

They moved on to the next memory of Cielo meeting All and Hayato showed up at the same time. Based on his reaction they knew he felt pain in his heart after he found out that he had a younger brother.

Upon seeing Leymitsu after ten years apart Cielo remembered their promise to each other. At the dueling class he asked for a battle with the sky team so he could come face to face with Leymitsu.

Here the group found the reason for Cielo's hostile reaction during the duel. He had held on to the tiniest hope that his brother regretted betraying him, but it turned out that he wasn't even in his brother's memory. The memories of Leymitsu only showed his happy life during the  ten years. This allowed Cielo's killing intent towards Leymitsu to be born.

Next memory was when Cielo overheard students who wanted to harm Hayato before the duel so his brother could win by default. Cielo knocked them out and threw them in a Janitor's closest. He proceeded to the duel.

After his brother humiliated Hayato on stage he slapped him across the face. He then turn to the Hayato on stage and thought, " Such a stupid human, I am betting that he thought I was kind. Is friendship such a thing to be so desperate about? Sight"

He then knock Hayato unconscious and after bringing him to the mansion he asked if he wanted to stay, and he agreed.

They saw while Cielo was walking on the street he stopped as the sound of arguing caught is attention. It was the Hibari's mansion. The noble couple was arguing and their son Kyoya was involved. After a few more times walking by Cielo finally decided on acting. He visited Kyoya's dream one night and told him he could grant his wish if he agreed to stay by his side for one year. That Kyoya agreed.

Next came the scene when Cielo was coming down the stairs from the roof and almost got smashed into by Takeshi. He watched and listened the conversation between Takeshi, Leymitsu and Leymitsu's friends. He overheard how they spoke about using Takeshi and saw when Takeshi turned back before leaving.

The memory moved on to that day before school ended for the winter holidays. Takeshi broke his arm. Cielo observed how the day became cloudy and rainy and asked to leave the class making his way to the roof. He saw Takeshi was about to jump off and stopped him by asking, " What are you doing?"

When Takeshi was complaining about all his troubles Cielo though, " He is such a naive human. He thinks that a sport is very important to him, at least he has no evil ambitions. He reminds me of that Hayato, it seems like they have things in common. Maybe I should bring him to the Mansion I think they could be each other's friends."

While out loud he asked Takeshi what his problems had to do with him. This lead to Takeshi comparing Cielo with Leymitsu which pissed Cielo off. Cielo knocked him unconscious and took him to the Mansion. He spoke with Tsuyoshi and requested for him to leave Takeshi with him.

The next morning he went to the Hibari's mansion and confronted Kyoya's parents. He threatened them to stay away from Kyoya. While watching Kyoya pack he thought, " I am not a good person. One of my goal is to make sure that these humans don't end up with that heir of Vongola.

Who would have thought that these humans that no one pays attention to are descendants of the founders of Vongola the most powerful Kingdom. Too bad I am not interested in these human Kingdoms."

He left with Kyoya and now it was four of them in the Mansion. After taking on missions together they became one of the most powerful groups. Then came the encounter with the mist siblings. While waiting for Lambo's answer to his invitation he thought, " What am I doing at this point? These humans can I even protect them from the Demon Lords ? They are so weak, what an annoyance.

But again if I complete the group and they become stronger they might be able to save the world from the impending destruction of the upcoming great war. That is if they choose to save it."

Lambo agreed to stay at the Mansion with Futta.  Next came the meet up with Mukuro and Chrome. Cielo defeated them with the least effort and informed them that they now live with him.

Seeing the two thanking him for saving their lives he thought, " These two humans have potential that can be contributed to their group. Only one more remains before I leave for my trip."

At dinner he brought them together by telling each of their experience. He then gave them a mission and informed them that they should wait for the remaining person in their group. He also tasked Bianchi to be Futta's protector.

When going upstairs to prepare for departure Cielo though, " That Sasagawa Ryohei should arrive pretty early tomorrow. After all I already settled his sister and her friends. With that the task of gathering the world potential saviours is done. I am so tired."

The memory ended with him teleporting from the Mansion.

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