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....Italy/The base of Giglo Nero famiglia in this universe....

O Yuni's Pov

I came out of my room and made my way to the dining room for breakfast. Breakfast on Sundays are really delicious when Gamma asked our chef to make my favourite morning treat. Gamma and the servants had been taking good care of me since mom died a few months ago.

Gamma was waiting on me outside the door, " Goodmorning my lovely princess. How was your sleep?"

" Its normal, the pacifier haven't given me a vision of the future so my dreams weren't disturbed by it last night.", I said holding up the orange pacifier hanging around my neck.

" That's good.", Gamma smiled down at me.

" Where is Scion?", I asked about my new friend whom I met a week ago in order to change the subject. I was afraid I would not be able to lie to a good person such as Gamma. I did have a dream about a visitor from another universe. He was a white hair teen that have recently been appearing in my visions of another world's future.

" The young miss is waiting for you at the dining hall.", Gamma answered. Scion was also another visitor from the same universe as that person that kept appearing in my dreams. More than that she was my counterpart.

I entered the dining hall and saw my counterpart sitting. Her long golden braids tied with ribbons matching her sunny yellow dress. Her smile was sunny and bright too. She didn't know how lucky she was, she had someone who took her curse from her. By right she was also supposed to be a fellow sky Arcobaleno, but someone with a pure and selfless heart had taken her curse.

" Goodmorning Scion.", I greeted her.

She laughed naturally, " Goodmorning Yuni."

We both knew about her disguise but didn't reveal it to others in order to not cause too much imbalance if we were both seen by others as the same person in the same place.

We had breakfast together while chatting.

" Have you had any leads about the person I asked you to find?", Scion inquired of me.

" No, because no one with the name Cielo belongs to this world.", I answered confidently.

" Oh.", She sounded a little disappointed.

" Sorry Scion. Why don't you ask him?", I suggested.

" He would never tell me.", She deflated.

" You would be surprised, maybe he would make an exception for you.", I smiled reassuringly.

" Do you really think so?", She seemed eager to try.

" Yes.", I gave her my final answer and secretly wished her luck.

" Thanks so much Yuni." She hugged me tightly. I hugged her back.

" Are you going back to Japan then?", I questioned.

She nodded, " Yes. My boyfriend is waiting for me. He really wants to find the identity of this person."

" Then I will follow you to the airport in the morning before going to my lessons.", I told her. She was happy when I heard that. The next morning I waved goodbye to her and knew that this would be our last meeting.

The day went by and that night before going to bed I walked out onto the balcony and looked at the stars thinking back to my previous dreams.

In the dream a white hair teen with blue eyes stared back at me. I knew it wasn't really me it was the me that I said good bye to this morning. In the dream he opened his hands and resting in the middle of his palms was an orange pacifier made of glowing crystal. His lips moved and his words were blown away by the wind. The dream ended there.

I looked to my side at the person who had just appeared there. He looked exactly like his image from my dream.

I smiled and said to him, " I knew you would come."

" I am here to talk about the future.", His cold and indifferent voice sounded like the warmest waves in the ocean.

End of pov...

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