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" You did what! You actually offended Cielo?", Hayato seemed a little displeased.

" Don't be so overprotective puppy chan. No one will ever offend your Master again. With his personality no one dares to anyways.", Mukuro rolled his eyes at the storm, " I guess he didn't care too much to make a fuss about what I said."

" You—", Hayato wanted to reply but was interrupted by Bianchi, " Little bro you should really forget it. Cielo doesn't really care for such small matters, like I said before he sees the world differently."

" What do you mean by that Bianchi?", Ryohei was curious. Everyone else in the group had close encounters with Cielo, except for him. The only time he had an encounter with Cielo was when he was sent to Cielo's mansion and started training on the island.

" I meant that Cielo isn't your average teen. He has many responsibilities and purposes to fulfill. A few words can't dissuade him from his goals. Mind you, a few words are like thorns to him.", Bianchi told him.

" Words like?", Lambo was the one who asked her this time. Futta gently hit him on his head since he answered instead of Bianchi, " Lambo you are so silly. The entire Academy knows that Cielo despises anything that involves the word Sawada."

At the mention of the name Sawada everyone was reminded of something. Cielo was indifferent to everything but that, and that was one clue they had to try and figure him out.

Before the conversation could continue there was a commotion in the part of the crowd where the new arrivals were. This was caused by the arrival of one individual. As if not wanting to approach the said individual the crowd parted giving him way.

The individual was a male in his teens. He hade flawless light skin and tall white hair fluttering in the wind. The front was caught upwards with a shiny silver hair pin with glimmering blue gems. And the back was let down.

This hair style revealed his dark blue eyes that were frosty to the point it makes one shiver with chills or look away in fear. His long curved white eyelashes, white eyebrow, handsome face, and bright red lips gave him the appearance of an ice prince.

He was almost dressed like one. He was in a full suit of white, with a blue undershirt and blue neck tie. His white jacket had blue trimmings since the underside was blue.

He walked forward not paying the slightest attention to the crowd. He moved in the direction of the group. Once he met up with them he said, " I see you are all here, and no one seems to be missing. Good, let's go then."

He lead them towards the Limo, with him at the front they followed close behind. The driver opened the door and once they were all seated he closed the doors and drove off.

The driver stopped in front of a grand Hotel near the sea. After letting them off he drove the Limo away to the Hotel's VIP underground parking lot.

Cielo had reserved this hotel just for their stay, so they just had to check in and were handed their keys to their suite. Their suites all made up one great suite, so their destinations were all the same.

When they arrived in the living area Cielo turned to them and inquired, " Have you all had dinner yet?" The group answered no. " Then place your orders so we can eat together. I have a matter to discuss with all of you.", Cielo informed them.

Cielo and the group called in their orders and waited in the suite's dining hall. After five minutes of wait they received their food and the table was set by the Hotel's staff.

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