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" I really didn't expect that, I must be honest. When do we go?", Cielo finished laughing.

' It seemed that I am slowly being influenced by these humans around me. Is it a good thing or a bad thing?'

' I have the abilities to go against the Demon Lords but the humans are so weak. In the end if I must sacrifice for the few I came to care about I guess I should since I have no ambitions, except to avenge Madam Luce and the others.', he thought to himself.

He glanced at Leymitsu for a second before retracting his gaze, ' It seems I will have to wait forever to have the love of someone who betrayed me and forgot my existence. What should I do?"

He wasn't aware that when his thoughts had diverted to his brother the temperature had unknowingly chilled and his eyes glowed with the nine different colours of his flames for a split second, but those with keen eyes saw it.

His inner turmoil was also felt by the one who had a special ability to sense strong emotions; Yuni. She whispered something in Byakuran's ear. He agreed and clapped getting everyone's attention including Cielo's, " We can go now if you like. Is there anyone you would like to take with us?"

Cielo resumed his cold and indifferent personality, " I will ask Hayato and Takeshi if they are interested. I will call them right now. How long do you plan on staying there?"

Byakuran did a few calculations and quickly said, " Two weeks is the most. If I don't find out your identity it doesn't matter. You must be aware that if your friends come with us they should hide their identity from their counterparts and their families? "

" Naturally.", Cielo scoffed as he switched his watch to a flip up phone and dialled two numbers for a conference call, " I am calling them over."

The call was answered almost immediately. Hayato and Takeshi voices chorused, " Hello Cielo."

" I am going to a parallel universe for a two week trip with Byakuran. I lost a bet against him and thought 'hey why not do what humans consider fun for once?', so do you want to come?", He asked.

" Absolutely! I will tell my dad and meet you after.", Takeshi agreed without a second thought.

Hayato cursed, " Damn baseball nerd, I was going to agree first! I want to come too Cielo. I will tell my sister and the others will be jealous I bet."

" Ok. Meet us on Namimori hill in ten minutes. Byakuran is paying for this trip.", Cielo hung up the phone and teleported Byakuran and himself to the said location. Yuni decided to tag along because of her secret ability that can pick up on Cielo's emotions.

Half hour later Takeshi and Hayato practically ran up the hill breathless. However they didn't come alone, there was an uninvited guest wearing a suit and fedora. No second guesses needed, Reborn had somehow coincidentally met the two and decided to invite himself on their trip.

" Let's go, the more the merrier!", Byakuran was quiet happy. He placed his right hand in front of him and his mare ring gave off a brilliant flash of light blinding them. When they reopened their eyes it was as if they hadn't moved, but everyone could perceive that they were in a different world.

This was Namimori hill in Namimori Japan of this world. Each person received information about this new world and what their counterpart roles were in this world. They also got information on their counterparts' families and discovered they were almost the same.

This was a world where Mafia families existed instead of kingdoms, no demons, no monsters instead they were box animals called box weapons. The beings called higher beings in their original universe was called Earthlings here. There were also Arcobalenos.

There was no great war, instead there were wars between Mafia families over disputes and territories.

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