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Kyoya and Futta versus the Fire Tribe

All nine heads opened wide in all directions spitting out water, ice, snow, hail, sleet, and wind towards those from the fire tribe. It cleared a straight path for its master. Kyoya eyes glowed as his attire changed from a pyjama to a long purple cloak.

(picture not mine)

Kyoya speed up sweeping into the midst of the fire army with weapons in hand

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Kyoya speed up sweeping into the midst of the fire army with weapons in hand. But they weren't for show. As the invader approached they stuck their flaming spears inside the ground forming cracks which molten lava gushes out of making this an uneven battlefield.

This did not hinder Kyoya though, " Jiu!"

" Roar!", Jiu's nine head spat out water, snow and wind Cooling down the surroundings in a mere second. Kyoya skated on the ice using it to boost his speed. He clashed into the enemies. His tonfas were reinforced metals so they weren't damage in the least. There were sparks as the weapons made clanging sounds.

Up in the air...

" Not bad the humans he chose aren't all that weak.", Zia remarked. Her black feathered wings slightly flapped sending out a gentle breeze blowing her hair out of her face. The eyes that could imprison one's soul were darker than the abyss. (green)

" No one is better than my Cielo. ", Shiva declared.

" Are you sure you want to make him an enemy instead of a friend?", Phinaal questioned before adding, " If you had raised him properly I am sure he would be willing to call you father and even become a demon prince on our side. He could have also become our weapon in our conquest for the throne."

" You have a point, but he was too weak at the time. His only worth was his race's innate ability to seal souls. Knowing the little guy he will forever seek me out to avenge that human woman who took him in, he will never address me as father.", Shiva stated firmly.

" Did you try to destroy his mind? That's how you create puppets.", Zia sounded like she was education her juniors.

" My lovely Zia you don't understand,", Shiva rebutted with an amused smile, " He has no emotions. You can't break someone who has nothing in his heart or eyes. No love, no family, no ambition, no purpose. He is even more heartless than us demons, because he can actually watch as the world burns and all life perish."

Shiva continued with a tone of extreme delight, " These humans have an influence on him. I can finally find his weakness."

" So that's the actual reason you drag us from our domain.", Zia obviously did not like to spend her time with these two. She then question, " Why didn't you invite Ota(space)?"

A strange light flashed in Shiva's eye at this question but it was gone the moment it appeared, " He said it's best he has nothing to do with such a taboo existence as the Soul supreme."

(Note: Remember Ota's first meeting with Cielo)

Back to the battle...

While the trio in the sky were conversing a pile of bodies were already collected on the ground almost half dead. Kyoya, Jiu and Futta had teamed up and wiped out a good deal of the fire legion. The ones who were faced with Jiu's breath instantly turned into ice sculptures which were then smashed into pieces by Kyoya.

Seeing the enemy coming at him from all sides Kyoya didn't panic, instead he bit down on his right thumb, " Forbidden cloning." Nine Kyoya(s) appeared in the same place looking identical it was so hard to identify the real one.

Futta watching all of this tilted his head and said innocently to Aouto, " Kyoya stepped up his game by using his forbidden technique. Might as well start too."

Futta stretched out his right hand and a wand created of polished oak wood appeared in his hand with a glittering star on its tip. A brown cloak replaced his pyjama and he was wearing glasses. He looked like a small wizard floating in the air with an owl on his shoulder.

 He looked like a small wizard floating in the air with an owl on his shoulder

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