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Now the two sisters were crying and hugging each other to comfort one another. The mother looked annoyed, " Maia and Maria let's go. I am not bringing you back for a week!" Maria and her little sister Maia could only nod, " Yes mom."

The woman was leaving with the two girls when she was stopped by a question, " Was it fun?" She looked over and saw the origin of the voice. It came from a white hair teen sitting down on a bench between another teen and a little boy.

The white hair teen was naturally Cielo who had watched the whole thing while eating his popsicle in silence. When Takeshi and Lambo heard Cielo speak they could slightly detect something strange in his tone. They were displeased with the mother for how she treated the girls but Cielo spoke first.

The woman was confused, " Are you speaking to me? "
" Who else would I be speaking to if not you? I am asking you was it fun?", Cielo repeated. The woman whose name was Amy was puzzled. But she was slightly unsettled by those cold blue eyes from the white hair teen who now stood up.

" Was it fun to cause them so much pain? As the mother where is your love and compassion towards them? Are they not your children, your very own flesh and blood?", Cielo asked as he came in front of the two girls.

He bent down so they were on the same height. The girls looked at the white hair Cielo that looked like an ice prince in front of them. He showed them a smile which seemed beautiful. The sight caused both Takeshi and Lambo who was seeing it for the first time to stare dumbfounded.

There was no emotions behind the smile it was just a smile from his handsome face that made one feel warm inside. Cielo offered each girl a huge bar of chocolate, " Hi I am Cielo. Nice to meet you Maria and Maia. Do you like chocolates? Have some."

" Thank you Cielo oni chan.", the sisters thanked him.

Cielo pretended to giggle, " So sweet, but just Cielo is fine."

" Ok Cielo.", The two said together.

" Cielo are you an angel?", Maria asked.

" How did you know?", Cielo asked in feign surprise.

" Are you?!", the sisters squealed.

" Sadly I am not. I am more of a devil.", Cielo switched his expression to that of a wounded animal which looked cute.

" Don't be sad Cielo. Not everyone can be an angel like my big sister.", Maia said shyly with a blush.

" You think of your older sister as an angel? That means you love her very much right Maia?", Cielo questioned. Maia nodded.

" Maria do you love your little sister?", Cielo asked again.

" Yes. Maia is the best in the world!", Maria remarked.

Cielo looked away before saying, " It's very nice to know what sibling love is like isn't it? But not everyone is lucky. Sometimes I wonder why I just can't forget..."

" Uhm Cielo did I say something that made you sad?", Maria looked apologetic.

Cielo decided he had enough of faking expressions today so he regained his cold and indifferent expression. He shook his head, " No. It's good you two know the importance of love between siblings. Always remember what happened today and always cherish that love."

He got up and turned to Amy, " If you so much as lift a finger towards them or abuse these two girls again I will find you and have you arrested. Do I make myself clear? Now get out of my sight!"

Frightened Amy took Maria and Maia away apologizing to the two girls and promising to make it up to them. Takeshi and Lambo watched all this unfold, taking note of what happened today with Cielo's actions and words.

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