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" Oh whoa " Michael muttered so softly I'm sure he was hoping I didn't hear it. He was obviously impressed and with a frown i glanced up at my best friend, his royal blue hair was spiked and unaltered. He looked ready to party. Except that he wasn't, neither of us were. The long ride from the next city over was a nightmare to put it simply we were beyond tired and we honestly looked it. My shoulders sagged just as someone practically slammed into my shoulder causing me to drop my heavy, over stuffed duffle bag. My face twisted in a scowl as the asshole didn't even bother to mutter a half assed apology. He and the group of guy's only glanced back to rake their eyes over me like they never seen a person of the opposite sex before. Raising my hand, I lifted my middle finger, sending the guys into a variety of loud obnoxious laughter's.

I made them smile.

Well I immediately regret my decision.

They were jocks, that much was obvious it wasn't his awesome manners or the broad shoulders that he and his friends sported. But it was the purple and gold varsity jackets they wore like a badge that everyone was supposed to respect. I watched as they strode up the steps that vibrated from the booming bass coming from the house. Drunk girls were flashing their boobs out of the windows on the second floor as the smell of weed drifted from the first floor. A burst of cheers suddenly roared loudly as if challenging the volume of the music. Someone was passed out on the lawn and a couple sat on the porch swing going at it so intensely, they were about ten seconds from fucking in front of everyone.

I glared at the bright yellow banner, one side was ripped off the house and gently flowed in the cold breeze.

It read Welcome home Mia

It should have said welcome back to the same shit hole that hasn't changed since you left.

Two years

Wasn't long enough apparently.

" It makes total sense as to why you went crazy " Michael said jokingly leaning towards me.

Shooting him a look, his grin widened and he playfully nudged me before bending down and lifting my heavy duffle like it was nothing but a mere backpack. He flung it over his shoulder and gestured to my home.

"Well I know it's not what you were hoping for when they said they were throwing you a welcome back party. But it's better than a big empty house"

" No it's not" I dead panned

Michael's dark eyes crinkled as he let out a loud laugh. " Don't be a stick in the mud, it's a party. Let's party"

" I want to sleep"

" You can sleep when you're dead, let's party" grabbing ahold of my upper arm, he pulled me up the steps after him. Cigarette smoke was blown in my face as I stepped through the door making me recoil and stumble into Michael. Growling I whipped my head around to give whoever it was a piece of my mind but hesitated as I stared back at a shaggy hair blonde guy. His eyes didn't meet mine as he wore expression of awe gazing up at Michael.

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