Forty One

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" Listen to me!" Michael spat angrily cutting me off for the third time

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" Listen to me!" Michael spat angrily cutting me off for the third time.

" No, what the hell were you thinking? Bri seriously?! Out of all the girls at Ridgewood that's who you pick"

" It's not like that, I tried to ignore her. I really did but I can't myself.. I like her Mia" he sighed tiredly.

" So now what? Your going to abandon me and Corey and start hanging out the stereotypes"

He scoffed bitterly. " No"

" Bri is a stereotype and that's who she hangs out with. Your not going to get a option-"

" -I've already talked to her about it.. she kinda gets it"

I chuckled. " Right let me ask you this, has she asked you to try for football or basketball?"

He was silent for a moment. " Well-"

" - this is exactly what I'm talking about"

" Can you just be happy for me?!" He blurted. " I haven't had a stable girlfriend in years and Bri really likes me, we're going to be together" he sighed softly. " Regardless-"

Closing my eyes I took the phone from my ear, not wanting to hear him say the words. Regardless of our friendship he was going to be with Brianna Lewis. With or without my support. It pissed me off and filled me with a sadness at the same time. Michael really was slipping away.

" Ok" I sighed frustratedly putting the phone back to my ear.

" Seriously, now your going to start that one word, non talking shit. You know what Bri told me you were going to be like this"

" Wow, your fucking the very same girl that threw me under the bus just to not be associated with me. I've been in the dark this entire time. What do you want me to say Michael? Huh"

'' I should have known you'd be like this" he sighed tiredly. You don't have any room to judge you've been keeping us in the dark too Mia ''

" What are you talking about?"

He scoffed. " Kaleb got ahold of our Gudens files, first Amber told me then Corey figured out it was him. But you knew the whole time. When were you planning on telling me about that?"

Guilt settled deep into my chest and I shut my eyes, taking a deep breath " I was going to handle it"

'' We're supposed to be friends Mia, you don't handle shit on your own and not tell us. We learned that at Gudens. How are we supposed to have your back if you don't tell us shit Mia!"

" I'm taking care of it!"

" Right like how you had Corey come take care of me? You went crying to him because of me and Bri"

" I didn't tell Corey to do anything! That was his decision"

Michael was silent for a moment. " Doesn't matter.. you keep shit from me and you won't even try to be happy for me. Your a bad friend Mia, fuck you'' he spat bitterly before hanging up.

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