Fifty Three

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" Well I'm waiting for a answer" Tony barked impatiently as he paced back across us. We all glanced at each other again but not one of us dared to say a word. Half of us were drunk and the other half only tipsy and to avoid interrogation from our parents we all decided to go to Nick's after the party. But our attempts were futile and we were being interrogated anyway because we probably should have reneged on uploading the video from yesterday. In less than 24 hours it had gone viral and Brooklyn did the thing none of us really expected.

She told her dad.

He flew in immediately and because Brooklyn's mom worked for Tony, he had the address. When Robert Hart first arrived Tony was obviously pissed because he was woken up and was actually on our side. But once Robert filled him in on what happened yesterday all hell broke loose. All of our dad's were called even Johnathan's dad, the mayor of DyverCity, Steven Vassar. No one publicly knew about it because Johnathan was his illegitimate son. It made him look politically bad that he got a already married nurse pregnant with a wife and family at home. It only added injury to the unfathomable rumor that Steven was in cahoots with the mafia and underground crime that controlled his city. There was never any proof..  But nonetheless Johnathan was still his only son and he always snuck to spend time with him or would make a surprise appearance to a basketball game to watch him play. Johnathan was guaranteed the college of his choice as well as financial stability on top of being invited to  gala's and fundraisers to rub elbows with DyverCitys elite.

And when things like this happened he actually came to avoid involving Johnathan's mom.

" What were you even thinking?" Steven asked crossing his arms, wrinkling his pressed suit. " Honestly and you put it on the internet not only was it cruel but-"

" - it was fucking disgusting is what it was!" Robert barked angrily.

" And none of you have anything to say? " Dad sighed frustratedly.

Suddenly the doorbell rang rapidly. Steven and Robert both looked at Tony.

" I'm sure it's Josiah" he muttered as he hurried out of the living room. Soon Josiah and Marco sauntered in behind Tony wearing two very different expressions. Marco smiled wide and clapped his hands together.

" My broski's"

" Ugh" Jake frowned

" Don't call us that" Dom rolled his eyes, slouching even lower.

" Sit down Marco" Josiah said glumly stuffing his hands into his pockets.

" You didn't bring Milo?" Dad asked

" He said he wasn't there"

Jake raised his hand. " I wasn't there either"

" But you knew about what was going to happen" Eli said pointedly.

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