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" Damn I should have brought a umbrella my hair is ruined" Savino huffed crunching up his shoulders

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" Damn I should have brought a umbrella my hair is ruined" Savino huffed crunching up his shoulders. Growling I did my best to nonchalantly turn away from him. This is my favorite kind of weather and normally I would have enjoyed standing in my soaked hoodie in the rain watching the waves hit the bay as massive ships rolled in. But not tonight because I was stuck with Savino.

It's not that I don't like the guy.. I like the guy plenty but if he complained anymore than he already does I'd mistake him for a chic.

Shifting on my feet impatiently, I gripped the steel inside of my hoodie. My finger only resting on the trigger. I did my best to keep my senses alert to my surroundings but it was futile. My mind kept drifting to the most recent news about Gudens. Eli Hiromi was a techy and could hack into anything and with one phone call to my friend, he did. He sent me all the information he could find about Mia and her friend Michael Danza. Though I didn't even get to read all of the file but I read enough to know that I got her sent to a modern day hell. She was already broken when she got there, I couldn't even fadum what her state of mind must be like now. The scariest part was that they both seemed pretty normal. But now with what I knew, they couldn't be farther from normal.

They were unpredictable.

Unpredictable shit was not my forte.

It felt like I had been out here for hours but because of how things had to move, I knew I hadn't been. As soon as the ship docked, crates were moving off of it. Shipment drop offs happened every so often and even after years my Uncle Vito still couldn't settle a date of delivery. We only got it every few months and usually expected at the beginning of the month. A lot of times like today it was late. It should have been here last week.

" Kaleb" Savino said abruptly snapping his fingers.

" Huh" I hummed softly snapping out of my trance. Without a word he gestured towards the laborers peering over at us from the ship. Several large machines carried large, plastic wrapped crates down the ship's ramp and towards the trucks trailer. It was then maneuvered into the long shipping container. They were almost done.

Because of our ages I was sure they thought we were the ones up to no good. Usually a older man by the name of Calvin was the one who greeted us to make the exchange official. Though his crew seemed to change constantly. A handful of guys still on the ship weren't working, they were watching us. I didn't like it, something didn't feel right. Glancing around I nodded to Jeff and Orlando as we clearly all made the same connection.

It didn't matter if we were liked or feared as long we got Vito's shipment to the westside warehouse that's all that mattered. Two long diesel trucks sat by side and I watched as the familiar guy know as Hildren locked eyes with me from under the brim of his truckers hat. He nodded as he locked the doors on the back of the truck and strode by towards the front.

That was the signal.
We were ready to start moving. I whistled to Orlando and Jeff before heading to my car with Savino alongside of me. Every shipment needed to be escorted to it's destination. Jeff walked a head of us from his position and Orlando brought up the rear. I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling until it made sense. I halted as the very same guys that were watching us from ship came clambering down the ramp. They were big, bulky and reminded me of bowling pins for some reason. The tallest one wore wore a thin ski cap over his scraggly hair. A wide smile stretched out his skinny face.

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