Eighty One -Family Pt 2

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These next two chapters are going to be looonng.. I just started a new job and they wasted no time throwing OT at me. I like money and I love eating so I'm taking it, in term I don't have the time the chop these chapters up and make them shorter.

Anyways I hope you like it. ✌️

I learned at a early age that life wasn't fair, that life will kick you in balls with every chance it has

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I learned at a early age that life wasn't fair, that life will kick you in balls with every chance it has. When my dad told my mom he never intended on making her his wife. She walked out of my life without so much as giving me a second glance. All of my relationships felt like that, one sided, hollow and now I was fucking a girl that the only time I could stand to be around her was when I was between her legs. Paige is nice and pretty but I didn't intend on making her my girlfriend or anything more than just a fuck buddy. I don't feel anything for Paige and if she started acting like we were more than that I was going to be done with her.

It would hurt her and I wouldn't be surprised if Officer Cunningham packs up his family and moves away. That's if he doesn't have a heart attack once he finds out who's been stretching out his little girl.

A thug

A criminal

A mobster's son..

But then what.. I'm back at square one watching Nick a psychopathic douchebag have everything good come to him.

I didn't use to feel this way, I always used to tell myself as long as I had my best friend everything was okay. Fucking strippers, getting away with everything and never having to go without anything. There was never any reason to be jealous of one another. He really was my best friend, everytime I was backed into a corner fearing for my life or staring at the barrel of a gun Nick was right there... Ready to die side by side.. that's how close we used to be.

Then Mia and Nick started dating and at the time I didn't care for Mia at all, I didn't like her. It was never just us and the guys, she was always there, and if she wasn't, that was all he talked about. I hated that shit and I wanted her gone.. but it was for her own good too.

What I did was stupid and petty.. now that we were older.. Mia was back and everything was different now. No matter how many girls I fuck, no matter how good the sex is, it's only a temporary fix. Now I can't stand to be in the same room with Nick anymore and it all roots to one reason.

I want what he has.

I could give a flying fuck about our friendship I want Mia. Not her pleasantries, not her friendship.

I wanted it all.

Tobias was right to want her for me.

Her mesmerizing eyes shimmered as she waited in anticipation for me to continue.

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