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"Do you want to talk about what happened last night?" Michael asks while  picking at his microwaved brunch

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"Do you want to talk about what happened last night?" Michael asks while picking at his microwaved brunch. I shook my head just as my phone began to vibrate. I unlock it to look at the text message and the phone number isn't saved but it's a easy guess.

000-009-0011- I know this is your number Mia

000-009-0011- it's Nick

000-009-0011- please talk to me.

Me- No.

000-009-0011-You just did. 😝

I turn the phone screen off and begin to eat. Soon my phone started to vibrate annoyingly.

"Who's that" Michael asked nodding at my phone.


"Your not going to hear him out"

I scoffed looking at Michael.

"To hear what? Michael how he choose his best friend's word over mine"

Michael shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm your best friend what if I told you he was cheating on you who would you believe?"

I roll my eyes at him. "It's not the same"

Michael turned towards me.

"Yes it is. You have to look at it from all the angles"

I put my food down and leaned back against the soft leather cushions blowing out a puff of air.

"You don't have to go back out with him just listen to what he has to say. What could it hurt" Michael says finishing his food.

I shake my head and grab my phone looking at all the messages from Nicholas.

Nicholas- I was just joking. 😓

Nicholas- Mia??

Nicholas- Now you ignore me. 😭😭

Nicholas- please I just want to talk.👃

Nicholas- don't make me beg.🥺

I took a deep breath and began texting back.

Me- What.

Nicholas- You texted me back. 🥳🥳😮🥰

Me- Can you quit with the emojis.

Nicholas- Right sorry.

Me- So.. talk.

Nicholas- You know this isn't what I meant. I'm old school. I want to talk face to face

Nicholas- come to my house.

Me- Absolutely not.

Nicholas- Meet me somewhere then, please.

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