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Michael dropped me off at home and though I desperately just wanted to run up to my room Josiah insisted that we have a family talk

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Michael dropped me off at home and though I desperately just wanted to run up to my room Josiah insisted that we have a family talk. He apologized for his short comings and Milo and Marco vowed to be better brothers. I cried and though Marco was resistant we had a group hug. It felt as though a little weight had been lifted off of my shoulders.


The next morning.

Clenching my eyes I growled as the distinctive sound of bass vibrated through the walls. It only meant one thing.

Marco was awake.

No one else in the house was as blatantly arrogant as him. If he had to be awake so did everyone else. Milo was like a quiet zombie not fully awake but still courteous enough to not wake up everyone else And me well if it was possible I wouldn't wake up at all. I wouldn't want to die but just sleep forever.
Sitting up groggily I looked at the clock on the wall across from my bed. It read 5:45am. We had to at least be inside the school at 7:00 cause classes started at 7:20. On a normal day I had more than enough time. But today I was especially exhausted. At least I actually prepared a outfit for today, I just needed to take a shower and put it on, with some mascara and lip gloss then argue with my brothers about who's going to drive to school.

A sudden rapid knocking on the door made me flinch just as the door swung open. Josiah hurried in, he was prestige looking wearing ironed slacks and shiny expensive looking loafers. He was just missing a actual button down shirt instead of a wife beater. But what really caught my attention was the two mugs he carried in his hands.


Beloved coffee.

I eagerly sat up and Josiah gave me a tired smile as he sat on the edge of the bed. The bags under his eyes were evident now.

" Figured you could use this too" he held out one of the mug's to me.

Greedily I took the mug, it's intoxicating smell filled my nose as I sipped the hot bitter sweet liquid.

" Good to see you still love coffee" Josiah grinned

I licked my lips and sighed happily. " I could never stop loving coffee"

Josiah chuckled softly then grew silent. " What about Nick? You ever stop loving him"

I froze.

It was way too early to be blindsided by a question like that. I slowly stared into his eyes. For a split second it felt like I was looking right at dad. But dad would never ask me something like that. He wouldn't want to dig up those feelings. Especially for Nick. He never liked him.

" Why would you ask me that?"

Josiah sighed and slid his cell phone towards me. The screen was still illuminated and a feed of comments could be seen.

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