Thirty Nine

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I planned on making my last chapter a little lighter, happier to brace you guys for the next chapters but .. I'm not that nice.

This is your only warning.

I hope your ready (人 •͈ᴗ•͈)

" Why didn't you tell us Donte was engaged Dom?" Nick asked as he clenched the dumbbell bar curling it up to his chest

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" Why didn't you tell us Donte was engaged Dom?" Nick asked as he clenched the dumbbell bar curling it up to his chest. I frowned as I eyed the weight he was lifting. It was at least 230 pounds with a 115 pound weight on each end.

" Are you trying to look like a monster?" I snickered pushing the dumbbell away from my chest. I was only lifting 200 pounds.

Nick grunted, glaring at me " I need to be able to lift myself don't I? Besides Mia likes big arms, piss off"

" God I'm so tired of hearing that name"

I sighed immediately recognizing the voice. Hoots and cat calls echoed loudly as she grew closer. In tiny shorts and a sports bra, her long hair swayed from side to side as it hung down her back. I eyed her long pretty legs as she strode past me and over to Nick crossing her arms as she looked up at him expectantly.

Nick glared down at her as he continued lifting the weight. Dom and I looked at each other before putting our weights down. I sat up from the bench, ready to break them apart.

I really didn't want to but if I had to I would.

" Um Brooke-" Dom tried to cut in.

" -What? What do you want?" Nick spat

" Haven't you been getting my texts?"

" Yeah, so what"

" Seriously? your acting this again? You couldn't keep your hands off me at the mall but now you won't even answer my texts"

" Did you not get the hint at the get together Brooke. " He huffed angrily putting the weight down. " It doesn't matter that we kissed I still don't want you. Leave me the fuck alone. Stop texting me, matter of fact delete my number, I really don't know how you even got it"

She scowled. " God I can't believe you right now, that was the best kiss of your life just admit it" she stomped her foot.

Nick let out a laugh." Your joking right"

Brooke raised her hand as if to smack Nick across his face. With ease Nick clenched her thin wrist with one hand and grabbed ahold of her face squeezing her jaw with the other and pulled her towards him.

" Nick" I stood from where I was sitting.

" Your going to hit me because I don't want you? Grow up Brooklyn, I see bitches like everyday and your exactly like your mother, that's why your daddy doesn't come around. You see guys like us and see dollar signs. You keep hoping that I'll fuck you and get you pregnant so I'll have to deal with you for the rest of my life and send my money to a kid that I didn't want. It's never going to happen and if you think I won't hurt you, your wrong about that too" he let go of her, shoving her backwards.

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