Fifty Seven

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My heart pounded as I darted in between the people casually walking and enjoying the atmosphere. The smells of deep fried corn dogs and cotton candy teased my senses as if to tell me this is what I'll never get to enjoy. In a four way intersection in between the booths my hair whipped around my face as I scanned the faces for anyone familiar. I didn't know a single face passing by me. With a hand on my chest I took a deep breath as I listened to everything around me. Laughter, someone being taunted, gossip, someone was arguing with a carney.

" Fuck you!" A deep voice barked loudly and I immediately recognized it. Pushing someone out of the way, I ran in the direction of voice. A large group of people  had practically built a wall to block on lookers from interfering. Most of them were about my age and more than few  wore varsity jackets. Everyone was egging them on. Growling frustratedly I squeezed in between the bodies as the yelling grew louder. Squeezing past the last row of guys I stumbled as I looked in between the Nicholas and Corey. Michael was trying to reason with Corey who was clearly not listening. As Nick spewed another insult I watched as Corey smirked, reaching into his pocket and pulled out his sap gloves before putting them on. Nick pulled his ball cap off before pulling his T-shirt off over his head. Under any other circumstances it would have been the sexiest sight ever especially if Corey followed suit.

" I'm done with shit bro let's go!" Nick barked angrily throwing his shirt to the ground and moved in even closer to Corey.

" Stop!" I yelled and started over to them when I was suddenly yanked backwards. The arms wrapped around my waist as a someone laughed loudly behind my head.

" You are so not going to break this up"

Craning my head up I scowled at the stunning blue eyes that sat behind black framed glasses. Daniel was still here. Angrily I shoved my elbow into him, he grunted and loosened his grip only a little. Using the opportunity I pulled away then ran in between Nick and Corey. Heat radiated from both of them as I put a hand against each of their chest's. The instigators let out frustrated groans like this was a prepared match they paid to see. I was sure someone was taking bets on who would win. Frantically I looked between both of them with anger ablaze in the silver and bright green eyes.

" Stop this, please" I pleaded looking up at Nick. It was like I wasn't even there as he continued glaring at Corey, spewing taunts. Frustrated I took my hand from Corey and put it against Nick's jaw pulling his face towards me. " Look at me!"

His gaze snapped to me and my stomach clenched with fear as I stared up into his rage filled eyes. They didn't falter and I knew he wouldn't listen to me.

" Don't do this" I urged

" Listen to her, don't embarrass yourself by getting your ass beat by the dude that's already going to take your girl" Corey taunted.

The air vibrated from the burst of laughter and encouragement from the spectators. The wind picked up as a flash of lightning ripped through the dark clouds above, even the weather was encouraging this.  I looked in Nick's face wishing that I had a superpower to stop them.

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