Eighty Nine

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                                 Shivering I rubbed my goosebump riddled wet skin, a sad attempt to warm myself. But an attempt is better than doing nothing. Walking out of the cemetery I stared at my feet to avoid the wind whipping the down pour of rain into my eyes.  I couldn't go home after Kaleb's confession, my headaches are getting worst everyday and I had to confine in someone.

But once I thought about it there's no one in my life that hasn't hurt me in some way. Not a single person except for one.

My dad.

My legs ached as I neared the familiar street sign and walked down the flooding sidewalk. It was late, and the lights were off of many of the houses I passed. Josiah was definitely pissed especially since I hadn't called and let him know where I was. I would've but by the time I finished venting at my dad's grave my phone was completely water logged from the rain. As I neared my home a wave of nausea rushed through me and my stomach clenched so tightly that vomit gurgled at the back of my throat. Josiah's Lincoln was parked in the garage along with our mustang that much was obvious. But it was the sight of Nick's red and black Audi parked in the driveway next to Michael's camaro that sent my emotions spiralling like a vicious tornado. Kaleb's yellow BMW was parked in the street in front of the house but the sight of it triggered a anger within me that heated my goosebumped skin.

Trudging forward I dug my house keys out of my purse as I heard yelling from the other side of the heavily reinforced door. Nick and Marco were arguing and from the sound of the muffled cursing and taunts they were about twenty seconds from blows. Pushing my key into the lock, I turned the knob then pushed the door opening more aggressively than I intended to. It slammed hard against the wall silencing the argument and announcing my presence as my sneakers squished against the hardwood. The floor thudded loudly like a stampede as everyone ran into the foyer. I avoided the heavy gazes as I closed and locked the door behind me then started for the stairs.

" Mia! Your not going anywhere until you explain where the hell you've been" Josiah demanded sternly.

Yeah he's pissed.

Turning around I gazed back at my brother then at the faces that stood behind him. Everyone was half dressed in their pajamas  and distraught from being woken up and sent into a panic. Michael and Milo looked exhausted but relieved. Marco and Josiah were equally pissed. Nick looked like a combination of angry, sad and relieved all at once. Kaleb.. he wouldn't even make eye contact.

" Well? We're waiting" he spat impatiently.

" I needed to vent"

"And you couldn't call or text, nobody knew where the fuck you were" Marco spat angrily, leaning against the railing.

Sighing I pulled my phone out of my back pocket, water dipped from the supposed water proof case.

" I couldn't really call anyone"

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