Twenty Three

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My heart pounded loudly in my ears as Nick held my hand guiding me down the far end of the hallway

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My heart pounded loudly in my ears as Nick held my hand guiding me down the far end of the hallway. The very last door was the janitors closet and Nick rapidly knocked on the door.

" What are you-"

Grinning Nick put a finger to his lips for me to be quiet. There was no answer at door. I watched curiously as Nick dug in his jeans pocket and pulled out a thick key ring. Quickly sorting through them, he picked out a bronze colored one and stuck it into the lock. I stared as Nick then turned the knob and pushed the door open.

Of course he'd had a key to every room in the school.

Holding it open Nick gestured for me to go inside. It was dark and the air in the tiny room was musty and thick. When the door slammed shut it was pitch black. I gasped.

He chuckled before a small click sounded and a dim light above us illuminated. Nick grinned down at me and I immediately became aware of how close we were. Nick being injured wasn't putting a halt to my throbbing urges.

" Comfy?" He asked lowly putting hands on my hips and leaned down to kiss me when I put my hands on his shoulders to stop him.

" Nick, did you forget why we came in here ? I asked skeptically.

Nick stared at me for a moment then grinned. " Would you be mad if I said yes?"

I narrowed my eyes. Nick's smile grew.

" It's not my fault, whenever I'm around you my thoughts get jumbled up and I forget things"


I fought my smile spreading but lost the battle. Nick chuckled softly then sighed. He stared into my eyes.

" Okay here it goes.." he said lowly and slowly pulled the gray t-shirt over his head. Nick always had a fit body that's not what made me gasp. Big, dark fading bruises covered his belly and ribcage. A wide white bandage sat in the center of his chest. He'd gotten badly hurt and I couldn't help but touch him like I could heal him.

" Nick.. what happened? You were fine when I seen you last" I asked concerned looking up in his eyes.

Nick's eyes were low as he gazed down at me. " That feels nice, you still have the magic Mia"

" Nick"I huffed. " You didn't answer my question"

Without hesitation Nick leaned down cupping the back of my head and slammed his lips into mine. The kiss was passionate and hungry. I felt exactly the same. Wrapping my arms around his back, he pried my mouth open with his tongue, demanding entrance. I moaned as the metal stud flicked across the roof of my mouth. Holding me against him as our kiss deepened and the firey tingling sensation soared through my body.

" I missed you so fuckin much " he said breathlessly brushing his lips against mine.

" I missed you too" I said softly.

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