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"I was sure Tony threw that guy so hard that he was dead" Madi giggled, her cheeks flushed a bright pink as she leaned into me

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"I was sure Tony threw that guy so hard that he was dead" Madi giggled, her cheeks flushed a bright pink as she leaned into me.

We had been drinking for hours but after just one martini the girl was drunk.

" That's a good thing isn't it, you guys are protected?"

" We're not guys Kaleb" Madi giggled

" It's nice but it definitely kills the mood" Bianca said sipping her drink. Dom and June were talking lowly, like the rest of us weren't even here.

I was attempted to ruin their moment.

But if anyone in this room deserved to get laid it was Dom. Last time he even mentioned getting any pussy was our sophomore year.

He honestly needed it.

" Tony is forever killing the vibe" Diamond said loudly. " It's like working in your dad's club all he does is bitch, bitch, bitch" she swayed as she rolled her eyes. Madi wasn't the only light weight.

I raised a eyebrow as Jake and I exchanged looks.

" Daddy issues" we said simultaneously before laughing. Bianca playfully shoved me, nudging me towards Madi. I felt weightless as I fell against Madi. Her dark eyes were wide as she stared into mine.

" Your eyes are so pretty" she said softly

I smirked. " Thank you even though they really don't come close to yours"

She blushed as her eyes fell to my mouth just as I leaned in close. She leaned forward as if to meet my lips with hers. Suddenly I was jerked backwards.

" Madi" Bianca hissed, leaning across me. " I told you he's mine"

" But he's so hot and his eyes are so pretty" Madi giggled.

" Fine, Kaleb you'll have to choose who you want to end your night with" Bianca said pointedly.

My brain felt like pudding and I didn't know what to think with the two beauty's staring at me waiting for a answer.

" What if I don't want to choose?" I challenged cheekily.

It sounded better in my head.

A devious smile spread across Bianca's face as she looked at Madi. " Guess we'll have to share then?"

Madi giggled excitedly as a dumbfounded look fell over my face.

Was she saying what I think she was saying?

" Wait, Are you serious?"

" Come on Kaleb" Madi kicked off her high heels before clumsy standing to her feet. She tugged on my hand for me to get up.

" I won't say it twice" Bianca said sexily as she got from the couch and took hold of my other hand.

This was happening...

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