Fifty Six

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Soon as we got to the mall, Amber and I separated from them so they could have their boys time and we could have our girls time

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Soon as we got to the mall, Amber and I separated from them so they could have their boys time and we could have our girls time. After the fourth store Amber convinced me to buy some incredibly revealing lingerie that I already knew Nick wouldn't even look at, he'd just rip it off. But after I did she had to keep her end of the deal. We were going to head to the food court since I wasn't just tired but starving. Eyes followed our every step expectantly, it wasn't anything unusual. With Amber my confidence always reached a new height and the long leering looks didn't bother me as I stood in line for my favorite smoothie. Amber, being her internet famous self didn't hesitate to take photos of us and criticize every tacky outfit that passed by. Soon it was finally our turn and the cashier's eyes widened at the sight of us. He looked about our age and was tall with a lean build and short blonde hair. Amber sniffled a laugh as he stammered spouting off the greeting. Amber quickly told him what she wanted and paid for it before standing off to the side to wait for it. Then it was my turn. 

" A medium tropical mango smoothie please" I said politely. The guy was struggling enough he didn't need me to laugh at him too. Pulling out my wallet, I discreetly flipped through the thick stack of bills that I still had leftover from Nick. Amber peeked over, slyly.

" Are you stripping and just never told me?"

Laughing I playfully shoved her away. " No, get out of here " finally finding a twenty dollar bill, I held it out to the cashier and he smiled shaking his head.

" It's on the house" he held out the receipt and I furrowed my eyebrows. " Are you sure?"

" I'm sure" he winked just as I walked over to the waiting spot next to Amber. Stuffing the money back I looked up to meet Amber's gaze. " What?"

" What was that about?"

I shrugged. " I don't know, I don't even know who that is"

Amber playfully snatched the paper from my hands analyzing it. " If this is right, his name is Issac" she flipped it over. " And he gave you his number"

" What?" Craning my neck I looked at it and sure enough there was a phone number and words scribbled on the back that said.

Your the most beautiful girl I've seen all day. Text me.

" Isn't that sweet?" She teased and I rolled my eyes looking behind the counter where he and another guy were obviously talking about us. The words were rapid and it was obvious that it wasn't a pleasant conversation. Nervously our cashier brought our drinks over.

" Hey um, are you Nicholas Lombardi's girlfriend?"

" Yup" I smiled

Fear spread across his face and the poor guy looked like he might actually piss himself and Amber giggled taking her drink and walking away.

" Want this back?" I held out the receipt.

He quickly snatched it mumbled a thanks before hurrying away. Smiling to myself I grabbed my drink and turned around looking around the sea of tables and faces for Amber. Walking in between the tables, many eyes were on me again but this time I felt exposed because many of the judgemental faces I was sure I've seen at school. Suddenly someone spilled their drink at my feet and just as I scowled in annoyance a arm boldly wrapped around my waist.

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