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Told you I'd take care of it" Nick said lowly from behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me against him. All day everyone had been talking shit about the incident with me and Jake. So much happened that no one would even believe it all they cared about was I ended my night with Nick. It was everywhere. People who didn't even go to our school had something to say. A random number sent me a photo of my defaced locker before I had a chance to see It myself. Nick was conflicted by this and told me that the number was Kaleb's. He also told me not to bother texting back.

He clearly didn't like the fact that Kaleb had my number. He didn't say why though and I didn't push it.

A part of me was happy that I had Kaleb's number. He didn't like me but he proved himself to be a ally.

The rumors continued and it didn't take long before it all got back to Nick and he hastily went to my defense. He explained what happened with Jake, he was a asshole who didn't get any pussy and was too lazy to get me a taxi home. Someone tried to say something about how I was a cheater and Nick shut down the rumor immediately.

He then said they all were fucking idiots and if anyone had anything else they'd like to say about me to come to him directly.

No one was that stupid, so just like that it stopped.

He barely lifted a finger and everyone backed off.. I had to admit. It was the hottest thing ever..

In less than a day Nicholas Lombardi ended my harassment and slander. Even the insults that once defaced my locker were cleaned off. Nick buried his face in my hair and inhaled deeply squeezing me tight.

" You always smell good" he said his hot breath against my ear tickling me. Giggling I spun around in his arms and looked up at him. He gazed down at me a content grin on his lips. I put my arms around his shoulders.

" Thank you Nicholas" I said softly staring up into his eyes. The tips of his ears turned red and he chuckled softly. " It was nothing, when I said I'd do anything for you I meant it"

His words had so much depth and passion as I stared up into his silver eyes.
He really did mean it.

" Can I kiss you?".

Nick let out a laugh. " Don't ask me stupid shit"

Standing on my tip toes Nick held me steady as I wrapped my arms around his neck. I brushed my lips against his teasingly before deepening our kiss. A strong flutter in the pit of my stomach sent tingles throughout my body. He tasted of spearmint gum and the strawberry soda he had at lunch. With one hand around my waist and the other gripping my ass we were lost in each other.

So lost we didn't hear the bell ring for the last hour.

" Ugh get a room already" a voice said then another chuckled.

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