Twenty One

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It felt like a eternity.

But no shot.

Wide eyed I stared at Nick holding the very same blade he was slashed with. His hand was around the handle but the blade itself was lodged under the guy's chin. Nick stared up at him hatefully. The guy was stunned and in shock, he dropped the gun. Nick jerked the blade out as a sickening sound was heard and dark blood gushed out from the hole and the guy staggered backwards scrambling to clamp his hand over the wound. Hastily Nick stood to his feet, yanked the guy's hand away from the wound, clenching the knife in his hand. He jammed the blade deep into the guy's chest. The guy let out a sickening gurgled sound as his life slipped away. But with a dark look in his eyes Nick jammed the blade in again, he did it again, and again and again. Covered in the guy's blood he stepped away letting the body fall with a thud.

The room was filled with silence and my heart pounded in my ears. Nick tossed the blade to the floor. Sighing I walked over to the body and dug a wallet and phone out the guy's pocket. Eli immediately called their clean up crew and I sauntered over to Nick.

" You need to go get that cleaned" I gestured towards the wide cut on his chest.

Nick sighed tiredly. " I'm fine"

His adrenaline was still high, he probably couldn't even feel it.

I scoffed. "Your not fine you'll more than likely need stitches"

Nick huffed and let out a soft wince. If his ribs weren't broken they were definitely sore as hell " I don't need stitches" he barked through gritted teeth.

" Your going to have a big ugly scar then" I stated obviously

" So" he spat, annoyance in his voice.

" So what are you gonna tell Mia when she sees it?"

He paused. " Mia and I aren't doing great you already know that. I fucked up yet again I'm sure it'll be healed by the time she sees it"

" Do you want it to look like that when it does happen?" I asked.

The cut was wide and jagged.

Nick frowned looking at it but smirked looking at me. " You may have a point but between you and me, Mia really likes scars. They make her perfect little pussy wet"

I frowned and gently pushed him away. Eli clasped his shoulder.

" I'll have to call Leon and tell him what happened today. A sit down probably won't be necessary. Come on, let's get you cleaned up and sewn back together" he guided Nick away.

Jake walked over and stood next to me.

" I was kidding at first about you guys being the scariest in Ghidorah but now I have to reneg. Nick is actually pretty fucking terrifying" he said lowly and I chuckled.

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