Thirty Two

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"No, first of all it was ten not eight, give me my credit" Corey smiled

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"No, first of all it was ten not eight, give me my credit" Corey smiled.

" It's still not a brag" I laughed.

Leave it up to Corey to be proud of eating ten of the pickled eggs we found in a forgotten locker. He was sick for days. Putting a on movie on for Alex, he was engrossed in the tv and giving Corey and I chance to talk.

" Do you really to keep talking about your gross challenges with Daniel or do you just not plan on telling me why you came to DyverCity?"

Corey chuckled softly shrugging his broad shoulders. " It's not a big deal, it doesn't really matter"

'' it does to me" I said in a obvious tone.

Corey hesitated as he smiled at me and groaned looking away. " Ugh stop it"

" Stop what" I smiled

" Looking at me" he laughed tossing his head, his Adam apples protruding. Closing his eyes he sighed. " I'm here because my dad is a piece of shit"

" Yeah but we already knew that" I said jokingly. Looking at me Corey's green eyes crinkled as he smiled.

" You want to hear the story or not?"

Pulling my legs up, I sat criss cross and put my hands in my lap. " Ok, ok I'm listening"

Corey's eyes fell to my hands between my legs and a smirk curled up his face. " You gonna finger yourself while I talk? That would be pretty hot if my little brother wasn't right there"

I scowled. " Say something like that again and I'm gonna punch you so hard in your balls that they're going to go back up inside of you" I deadpan

Corey scoffed. " That's not possible"

" You wanna find out?"

Corey hesitated as his grin faltered. " Ok you win"

" Anyway, back on topic. Tell me the story"

Corey slouched against the couch. " It's not long but as you already know my family is one of those hardcore military types. As expected when I went back home my mom was happy, I went back to school and was doing good, real good especially for me. " He paused as he chuckled softly. " But my dad, he didn't care if I did good in my classes. It didn't make a difference cause he gave me a ultimatum if I wanted to live a good life with him and mom I had to enlist in the Marines by the time I graduated. "

" What?! What about ufc that's your dream" I interjected.

Corey chuckled and shook his head. " Ufc is a child's dream and I needed to grow up and get real"

I frowned.

" So that was it, either enlist by graduation or get the fuck out " he said lowly.

" And your mom, she said something right"

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