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Ok so.. this chapter is loong. It's mainly because I didn't know where to stop lol.


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I've finally decided.

I've had enough.

I can't take it anymore. I need to see Nicholas, hear his voice. Something, anything and now he wasn't leaving me on read but now he wasn't reading my messages at all. I can't wait anymore. I was going to see him and so he wasn't mad at me, I was going to wear something pretty and make him a dish that I remembered was his favorite. The sexiest thing about my plan was that I stuffed the insanely tiny lace lingerie I bought with Amber in my purse to conceal it from prying eyes. I couldn't keep lying to myself I had a itch that desperately needed to be scratched. My fingers just couldn't fill my appetite but Nick's definitely could. I was craving his touch like a addict

Running my fingers through my hair one last time I combed it over my shoulders then grabbed my phone and purse off of my bed. Quickly I headed down the steps when suddenly the front door swung open. Milo smiled giddily down at me.

" Oo la la we're dressed up today. You look nice" he taunted playfully as he closed the door behind him. Smiling I looked down at my dress. It was simple but sexy, it was a deep turquoise blue with a high thigh slit and a few straps that wrapped around the back so it was tight around my waist then tied at the back of my neck.

" Thank you" I gave him a small curtsy before striding towards the kitchen. Milo followed behind and sat at the island as I started grabbing the things I would need to make his favorite dish.

" Big date with Nick today?"

Frowned as I looked back at Milo biting into a apple.

" No, but I need- I need to see him Milo. It's been too long that I haven't seen him or even heard his voice "
Milo nodded. " I get it, but you do know that he's staying at Kaleb's now. Apparently Nick's dad is doing some work on their place so he's going to be there until it's finished"

I hesitated but only for a second cause normally I would have dreaded going there. But Kaleb and I were cool now so there was shouldn't be any backlash.

" Okay " I shrugged nonchalantly.

Milo looked at me suspiciously. " Okay? That's all you have to say?"

Smiling I shrugged as I started putting all my ingredients in the bags. " Kaleb and I are kind of friends now so it's not a big deal"

" And your taking all of our food over there?"

" This is hardly all of our food. I want to make Nick some Roulade, it's his favorite.. well it used to be when we were younger I don't know what his favorite is now"

" Awww aren't you sweet?"

Sighing I smiled. " Is there something you wanted Milo?"

He smiled widely. " Well being the awesome brother I am I came home after my date with Kimberly because.. " with his hands he started to air drum, while spinning on the stool.

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