Ninety Seven

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They looked like a couple

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They looked like a couple..

It pissed me off and I could practically feel the anger bubbling inside of me.

" Who the fuck is that?" Nick barked.

I shrugged, holding my tongue as Madi whipped around in her seat. " Oh I know him that's Darren Hendrix, he's like a super talented artist. He goes to Acadia too"

Corey's brother...

" Darren!" Madi called out, waving him over. The guy nodded in acknowledgement as the group slowed almost to a stop. The guy wrapped a arm around Mia's shoulders pulling her against him as he leaned down to whisper in her ear. Mia smiled and wrapped a arm around his torso in a quick hug just as she glanced from me then Nick. Letting go of the Mia, Marco rudely gestured towards us, making Mike laughed loud. Mia crossed her arms over her chest, purposely covering her nipples underneath the white tank top as she continued her trek as the rest continued in their original direction. A grin stretched across the guy's face as he slyly watched Mia walk away before sauntering over to our table.

" What's up Madeline?" He grinned, gripping her shoulders.

" Madi" she pouted

He raised his hands defensively. " Right, right excuse me. Madi"

Smiling proudly, she turned back around.

" I thought you didn't date?" Bianca pried cheekily.

He rose a eyebrow and jutted his thumb in the direction that Mia just left in. "Oh, that? I mean Mia is fine but I think my kid brother has a crush on her or something, he was happy just over a kiss last night. I couldn't do that to him. Her family helped him out so I just invited her and her friends out to eat as a thank you"

My jaw instinctively locked as I stared back at Corey's brother. I wasn't mad at him, I had no reason to be. I was pissed at Mia, I was pissed at myself.

She really did make me feel like a idiot.

If it was anyone else I would have seen the signs. Flexing my fists under the table, I released a deep breath.

" How noble, didn't know you had that kind of restraint" Diamond teased as she sipped her tea. " Especially with a girl younger than you, figured you would take a advantage of a opportunity like that"

Mia kissed Corey last night

He cocked his head to the side. " You mean like you all are doing" he gestured towards the guys at the table. " You all are in college but you're sitting with a bunch of high school guys" he chuckled bitterly.

'' Look it's none of my business but you guys need to be careful, these bitches are sneaky"

" Is he serious right now?"

" Wow"

Aries scoffed loudly with a ugly sneer on her face. " This is coming from the biggest whore on campus"

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