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The air vibrated from the various voices bouncing off the brick walls. The typical conversations could heard. It was usually the juiciest gossip about the hottest guys, celebrities or who the new bitch was and I used to be at the heart of it all. The lockers were the same tacky magenta color and the concrete was glossy from a fresh wax. After finding my locker I began stripping to put on my gym clothes. A dingy black Marilyn Manson t-shirt and lavender running shorts. I paused as my phone vibrated against the metal locker.

Nicholas- u look sexy ass hell today by the way, I don't think I've mentioned it ❤️

Me- can you just leave me alone??

Nicholas- not a chance in hell

Nicholas- I'm going to keep trying til you give me another chance to make things right

Me- your still stubborn af

Nicholas- persistent is more like it

Nicholas- r u in class yet or r u lost?

Me- I'm here

Nicholas- I wanted to walk you, 😓 who do you have?

Me- coach Tracy

Nicholas- what a coincidence.. I happen to have coach Lindbergh right now

Nicholas- coach Tracy isn't in today so the girls are going to have to come outside with us

Dear God no.

"Nicholas- soo.. I'll be seeing you out there I really hope you're showing off those incredible legs 🤤 and that  🍑

Nicholas- just thinking about it is making my 🍆 dick hard

Nicholas- u know u wanna see 😉

Me- perv

Shaking my head I put my phone back in my locker and spun around crashing right into someone.

" Oh my God I'm so sorry" the girl exclaimed her bright green eyes were wide in panic. She had a surfers tan and her long wavy blonde hair was almost white.

" No, no it was completely my fault" I assured

She stared at me pausing for a moment.

" My gosh your so freaking pretty!" She exclaimed excitedly." I'm Gabriela but all my friends just call me Gabby"

" Um thanks and it's Mia just Mia" I said softly as I bent down to tie down one of my sneakers. She suddenly gasped softly and I looked up at her.

" Your the sister" she stated as her smile grew wide.

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