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Later that same night

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Later that same night

" No! Please I have a family" William Brockavitch pleaded as he desperately tried to fight against Vinny and Nick. It was futile and I was sure he knew this. We were a lot younger than the man and though we appeared inexperienced, that wasn't the case. When he went to take out the trash in the dead of night. William knew what was going to happen.

I trailed behind as the man continued to pathetically struggle while still being dragged towards the darkness in a even more secluded park of the bridge. The dam was old, dimly lit and no security patrolled to stop jumpers. No one ever came because of the heavy aura of death that permanently hung in the air. If you ever had misfortune and toppled over the railing it was a 1,200 foot drop. You didn't have to worry about drowning, the impact alone was more than enough to kill you.

At least it's a quick death.

" I gave you two days William" I sighed tiredly as Nick and Vinny held him up against the railing.

" I don't have the money!" He pleaded as he started to sob. " Just take the law firm"

I scoffed staring back at him. " I'm not an idiot, your law firm is in debt we don't want that"

" "Good bye William" Nick gritted angrily he pushed William back. Gripping the railing William sobbed as he stopped Vinny and Nick from throwing him over.

" You pussies! Fuck you I just need more time! Don't do this!"

Nick glanced at me then leaned in close to William. " I'll make you a deal, are you listening?"

Eagerly William nodded. " We're going to throw you over the railing anyway-"

" -No, no" William protested as he fought against Nick and Vinny holding himself against the railing.

" Listen!" Nick roared angrily. " We're going to throw you over and if you can sprout wings and fly we won't shoot you and you can live"

Chuckling to myself I shook my head as Vinny let out a loud laugh. With one last shove William tumbled over the railing and yelled out as he crashed towards the water. His body couldn't even be seen as the heavy waves crashed against the dam. Sighing Vinny and Nick both turned back towards me and we walked back down the bridge to where Ash was being lookout.

Climbing back into the car, I stared out the window as Vinny and Ash nonchalantly talked shit to each other. It wasn't out of the ordinary, in the beginning after taking a life none of us could mutter a word for days. But after so many lives, we've grown numb to it. It was just like taking out the trash. The only thing strange happening was that Nick was quiet. Not just quiet but also wearing a creepy smile.

" Are you going to explain why your sitting here lookin like the spawn of jigsaw or what?"

Nick chuckled as he pulled out of the parking lot glancing towards me. " It's nothing. I'm just in such a good mood I didn't notice I was smiling"

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