Seventy Six

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              " Hold! Fifteen minute break"

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" Hold! Fifteen minute break"

Exhausted my legs slowed to a stop against the broken asphalt.

Suddenly a hand clasped my shoulder. " K, I've figured it out they're trying to kill us" Dom panted tiredly.

" You'll live" I assured patting his hand before brushing it off.

It's been over three hours and though the thick humidity was lifting, the sun was slowly rising higher and higher in the sky. It was going to be a hot day today. Everyone grumbled tiredly, taking swigs from their water bottles.

" This is bullshit" Nick spat bitterly, stepping up next to me.

Letting out a tired breath I only sighed taking a sip of my cold water.

" You guys are in terrible shape for jocks" Corey taunted passing by us with his own face pouring in sweat.

" Is this motherfucker really acting like he isn't dying right now?" Nick spat jutting his thumb in Corey's direction.

I sputtered, spitting out half my water as a chuckle tickled the back of my throat.

" I rather do this than go through Gudens initiation" I said pointedly glancing at Mike. He was in better shape than Dom but even he looked ready to collapse.

" What do you mean?" Nick asked curiously as Monty and Sean walked over.

Sighing I shook my head. Nick could befriend all the enemies he wanted but I wasn't stupid enough to give away information that could be used against me. Especially around people I didn't trust in the slightest.

" Hey did you know there's supposedly bodies buried all around here?" Sean said gesturing towards the lush green forest on each side of us.

Nick snorted. " Yeah right, where did you pick up that bullshit rumor?"

" It's not a rumor, remember that big news story where they were saying that Gudens was brain washing their residents and turning them into soldiers all while dozens were missing. Gudens chalked it up saying that they ran away "

Nick shrugged nonchalantly. "What about it?"

Quickly Monty and Sean looked around before stepping closer. " I heard they're killing people, can you believe that? I knew the people here were crazy but who would have thought.. the faster we get out of here the better, any of us could be next " Sean shook his head

Monty grinned. " Especially with your girlfriend running around here, apparently she went crazy and cut the throat of some dude that just wanted to fuck"

My jaw clenched as I stared back at Monty. " You need to stop cause you don't know what the fuck you are talking about"

The camp grounds, the hygiene hall, the forest and inside of the cabins carried a disturbingly eerily aura. It made you feel like you weren't alone and something horrible happened in the space you were now in. That information wasn't in Mia's file even though I couldn't be sure if it was true or not.. Regardless I really didn't like how this fucking dick head talked about her.

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