Fifty Two

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I smiled to myself as I stretched against the smooth fabric of my bedsheets.. bedsheets? My eyes shot open as I realized that I was now in my bed. Nick must've put me in my bed while I was sleep. Rolling over I smiled looking forward to seeing his disheveled hair and handsome sleeping face. Except that he wasn't there. I was in my bed alone.

My phone flashed slowly and I reached for it, unplugging it from the charger. I frowned seeing that Nick hadn't texted me. So I texted him.

Me- u left me

Nicholas ❤️🥰- sorry babe

Nicholas - don't be mad at me. My dad needed to talk about some stuff and it couldn't wait

I frowned.

Nicholas ❤️🥰- and I probably won't be free to see you until later tonight

Me- o ok ☹️

Nicholas❤️🥰 - there's a carnival down at the pier tonight we can go do that if your not too busy with your friends

Me- she's leaving this afternoon.

Me- I'd love to go unless it's another double date

Nicholas❤️🥰 - it's not I promise 👃

Nicholas❤️🥰 - enjoy your day today go shop or something. If you need some more money let me know and I'll send it to you.

Nicholas❤️🥰 - I'll see you later okay don't miss me too much
Nicholas❤️🥰 - I love you baby

Me- I love you too 😘

Me- don't get in any fights today

Nicholas ❤️🥰- no promises 😉

Smiling to myself I put my phone down and pushed my hair back. Reaching over the side of the bed I picked up my shirt from yesterday and pulled it on then reached down to my nightstand and pulled out a pair of thin running shorts and slipped them on. My gaze suddenly fell to the foot of my bed where my bright blue fuzzy futon sat unfolded. Amber laid on her back underneath a black fleece blanket. Her hair was wild and a white silk face mask covered her eyes.

" Amber" I whispered

She didn't move.

" Ambiii"

She stirred in her sleep. Cheekily I grabbed a pillow and threw it at her. It landed flat on her face. She let out a whining sound and snatched it off, then raised her hand flipping me off. I laughed, climbing out of bed. I jumped onto the futon, laying next to her. She let out a even louder whine rolling onto her side.

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