Ninety Two

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     I know for sure something is going on, it's not paranoia. Staring at the screens my hand came to my chin as I pressed rewind again. For the past few days someone has been circling my home right outside the gates in the dead of night. They timed the guards perfectly to not be seen even when it was time for rotation, to change direction. The guards reported no change, no trespassers, no suspicious characters, nothing. Their face stayed hidden so I couldn't even try to guess who it could be.

" Kaleb, shouldn't you be getting ready for your team's morning run?" Dad asked tiredly as his knuckles rapped against the door frame.

My eyes darted up from the computer meeting his gaze. " Yeah in a second, can you come look at this?"

Walking into my room dad leaned over my shoulder as I played the video again.

" I can't even tell if it's a dude or a girl"

" Might be a homeless person, a lot of them have mental problems"

" A homeless person? This close to the house?"

Our home wasn't a place that people just stumbled upon. You had to know where you were going to find it and it's not like we had company come by often. My dad adored our privacy and most people that have ever been in our home at once was when greenleaf went after the Langley's. Even though my dad didn't complain, I knew he wasn't comfortable with so many people being here at once. I'm not allowed to have parties here and there has never been a sit down here. When everything settled at the Lombardi's my dad didn't hesitate sending Nick, Vinny and Ash back to Tony.  They were his family, his real family and his problem. It was bad enough that things were tense with Nick but he and Vinny acted a lot alike and there were times that it felt like I was dealing with two Nick's.

Dad didn't say it but I knew he was glad they were gone. 

" What did the security team say?"

Sighing I shook my head. " They didn't see them "

Dad frowned. " Maybe you caught a ghost on camera, spooky" he chuckled light hearted.

Slowly I looked back at him. " Your not funny dad, stop trying"

With a smile he gripped my shoulders. " And your a comedian? Don't worry about this. I have to head to the castle to settle the bets for Corey's fight tonight. I'll look into this, you go ahead to your meet"

" You sure?"

He nodded before striding back out my door. Sighing I stared back at the figure at the computer screen, fuck that I'm going to figure out who this myself. The person came about the same time every night and I was going to be there to catch them. Shutting the computer down my phone suddenly vibrated against the desk.

Marko- meet today or nah?

Marko- Mi's friend Amber is here. I'm tryna hit that 😏

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