Forty Four

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"Uh hello earth to Mia" a hand waved in front of my face pulling me out of my dazed state

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"Uh hello earth to Mia" a hand waved in front of my face pulling me out of my dazed state. With the unusual tattoo inside of their palm I knew it was Kaleb.

I looked up at him, his red hair was disheveled and tousled like he ran his hands through it too many times. His ice blue eyes stared at me expectantly.

" I know it's stupid to ask if your okay but would you like to come into the house instead of just standing here in the garage?"

I dropped his gaze as I struggled to piece together a answer to the simple question. I didn't even know how long I had just been standing here. I couldn't tell if my mind was empty or it was so full that it felt empty. But that didn't make any sense. I didn't know what to think. There was a side of me that I promised Sergeant Kennings I wouldn't let show. But right now I could practically feel the little malicious version myself inside of my head chiseling away at the barricade.

" Come on" Kaleb sighed, gently putting a hand on my back, he guided me inside of his house.

It was relatively warmer inside and bussiling with many people on the phones, on computers. Kaleb's home seemed more welcoming than Nick's. But it could have just been the decorating style. It looked like it might have had a woman's touch at one point in time or maybe Kaleb's dad just hired a decorator. Whatever it was, it didn't make the hairs on the back of my neck stand. I actually felt safe...

Regardless of the fact that I still needed pants.

" Kaleb, Mia come in here" a deep voice echoed loudly above the noise and Kaleb's shoulders sagged. With his hand on my back, he guided me forward, pushing through the bussiling people through the cream and chocolate colored lush living room. A large champagne colored crystal chandelier sparkled from the high ceiling. A round bulb casted light through each jewel, creating it's own spectacular rainbow. We neared a staircase and adjoining hallway and with a subtle push from Kaleb's thumb we turned down the hallway. Stepping around me Kaleb stepped into the wide room first. Several large men were talking urgently amongst each other and I immediately recognized Kaleb and Nick's dad's. A massive brown skinned man was standing with his back turned facing  a large fluorescent white board. It looked like some kind of map. Several different colored dots were moving along the screen and he only watched with his arms crossed. Josiah was sitting next to a pale skinned man with long dark hair that hung past his shoulders. Several computer monitors sat in front of them and the pale skinned man seemed to be operating them all.

Josiah suddenly looked up at me. " Where's Marco?"

My chest felt tight. " He left with them"

Josiah scowled but hesitated and sighed tiredly looking over at Kaleb's dad.

" He's just trying to honor his father by defending his family. He'll be fine. He has Jake and Nicholas" the pale skinned man said nonchalantly looking over at me.

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