Sixty One

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After leaving the club it was agreed that Nick and I needed a boys night. And to put it lightly my dad, Tony and Vito were going overboard with it.

" Ok my dad doesn't want the party bus to have our address so we're going to need a place that everyone can park and meet up at" I said loud enough that Marco could hear me through the speaker.

" What about the skate park it still has decent parking right?" Ash asked

" Nah some store is there now" Marco muffled as he crunched on something on his end.
I looked at Nick as Ash continued listing off places with Marco. Nick hadn't said much of anything since we left the club. He did clarify that he didn't let the girl that was on his lap suck him off. I on the other hand wasn't going to turn down a blowjob. He cursed when I told him about the text Mia had sent but the most he spoke was when he was yelling with Mia. Now that had she left in tears he hadn't said a word. Lifting up his phone I watched as he unlocked it probably expecting a text or something from Mia. Sighing he turned the screen back off.

How Mia looked before she left.. I was sure she hadn't texted Nick at all. She hadn't texted me either but I didn't really expect her to.

" What about Landon's park and we can sit under the shelter while we wait on everyone to get there" I suggested.

" Sounds good, what time you need everyone there?"

" In a few hours"

" Bet, I'll see you losers later" Marco then hung up.

Ash clapped his hands together. " I'm going to go get ready since I still haven't unpacked" he got up from his seat and headed towards one of the bedrooms on the lower floor. Vinny came out of the dinning room with a giddy look on his face as he clutched something in his fist.

" Look at what I found" he held up something that looked like it was supposed a black bra, it was lacey but it looked like it could only cover nipples and had a matching thong.

" Are you cross dressing now?" I snickered

" Where did you even get that?" Nick asked uninterested.

Vinny smirked arrogantly. " Never and while I was cleaning up the stuff Mia left. I got this out of one of the bags she left behind. I guess her pretty little self was planning on wearing this for you" he tossed the lingerie into Nick's lap. Nick's mood visibly seemed to worsen as he stared at the lingerie.

" Ash said something about we were going out tonight so I'm going to get changed" Vinny waved his hand as he walked away.

" You okay bro?"

He nodded slowly. " I'm good"

Sighing I decided not to push it and stood up. " Come on we need to start getting ready too"

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