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A stunning face and a skin complexion that could only be described as butter honey. Accompanied with her full assets, thin waist and smart mouth is exactly what Nick was obsessed with.

I knew my friend well enough that he wasn't going to let anyone else have her. My phone suddenly vibrated.

MalcolmL- Tony's calling a sit down today u and Nicholas need to be there right after school.

Shit, I could've sworn we just did one.

I frowned. I really needed to study in the library.

Me- Can't, I have to study.

MalcolmL- cancel it
MalcolmL- he's calling for everyone to be there
MalcolmL- u and Nicholas better not be late

I sighed frustratedly. Malcolm was the right hand man of Tony, he was like the uncle I never wanted. We didn't get along cause he spoke to me like I was a child. But I never held my tongue to put him in his fucking place. But because of this my dad forced us to communicate instead of having Malcolm's son text me. It didn't matter if we liked each other or not, we were a family and had each other's backs. Cause once my dad, Uncle Tony and Uncle Vito finally stepped down, it was going to fall to me, Nick and our cousins to keep ahold of our allies and keep one of the most lucrative businesses in the world afloat.
All while trying not to die.


The day was barely over but I was exhausted and laid my head down on the table. Taking a deep breath I sighed happily as a hand gently massaged my scalp. The familiar touch and the subtle sweet smell that drifted under my nose told me that it was my girlfriend Kim. Turning my head I stared up at her pretty face. She wore a annoyed expression as she scrolled on her phone.

" Anything interesting?" I mumbled

Kim looked at me from the corner of her eye. " More like annoying"

" Yeah, being around Kaleb will make you feel like that" Mike said jokingly as he sat at the table in front of me. Kim smirked and I lifted a hand flipping him off. Just then Giselle hurried into the classroom, quickly sitting at the table next to ours.

" Did you hear?" She asked excitedly. She was flush and winded.

" Now what" I mumbled

" Brooklyn and Paige are coming back early" she said excitedly. Giselle was Kim's friend but more exclusive to the inner bitch clique.

I sat up and Kim shot me a look. " What's early?"

" They should be here for the pep rally maybe sooner than that"

" Who's Brooklyn and Paige?" Michael asked

" Problems" I stated, Michael frowned.

Brooklyn Hart and Paige Cunningham were the fucked up version of mean girls. Wealthy, sexy ass hell, and manipulative. They could literally get any dude to do whatever they wanted simply because of their appeal.

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