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" I'm never going to get tired of this" Nick huffed breathlessly as he pulled me against his chest

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" I'm never going to get tired of this" Nick huffed breathlessly as he pulled me against his chest. I felt like a bottle of soda left in a hot car. My skin hot, flushed and buzzing. A insatiably painful ache throbbed between my legs and my jaw desperately needed a massage.

Or a ice pack.

I giggled as I looked over at Nick, his eyes were shut as he laid on his back. A pink hue sat against his tan skin as beads of sweat trinkled from his forehead. Red scratch marks were visible on his shoulders and so was a fresh bite mark that sat along his collar bone. It was only slightly bleeding but my teeth marks were evident.

A proud smile spread across my face. " Your bleeding "

" Am I dying?" He hummed

" No"

" Then I don't care"

He opened his eyes, turning his head towards me. " It's your fault anyway"

I scoffed playfully smacking his chest. " You were being too rough" I sat up onto a elbow. " I'm fragile.. sometimes"

" Emotionally fragile" he muttered softly. " Physically your as fragile as a cement block"

"Emotionally fragile? Me" this is coming from the guy who cried watching lovely bones" I taunted.

" Hey! Hey! " he sat up in a haste. " That shit was sad" he explained

" Life is sad" I countered

He tossed his head back and made the ppfftt sound. " Life is awesome" he crawled over to me and leaned down. " Especially if you have the most beautiful, sexy-" he brushed his lips against mine my heart pounded with anticipation as I stared up into his silver eyes. " Irresistibly" he kissed me softly. "Delicious woman ever" he deepened our kiss. My jaw opened painfully to let his tongue slide inside of my mouth. Inhaling deeply, I dug my hands into his silk like hair.

The pain in my jaw only intensified. Pouting I let my hands against his shoulders pushing him away.

" What?" He breathed.

" My jaw hurts"

He grinned mischievously. " That means I did it right"

My face flushed as I thought of his length, his width and strong throbbing veins on my tongue.

" Shut up" I blushed looking away.

'' Uh uh, don't get all shy on me now" he taunted grabbing ahold of my chin. He smirked as his thumb grazed my cheek. "
Your the reason my nuts feel like raisins"

" Ugh go away" I huffed playfully shoving him away. Dramatically Nick rolled off the bed onto the floor.

" I'm hungry go get me something to eat"

" Excuse me" his head sprang up, his gaze snapping to me. Almost like a animal he jumped back in the bed and grabbed ahold of my jaw with one hand, his thumb laid against my lips. " I don't know how you spoke to those dudes at Gudens but your not going talk to me like that" he said lowly, his silver gaze unfaltering. Nick never laid a hand on me. But there was something about his tone, the dark look in his silver eyes that sparked a angry flame inside of me.

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