Ninety Eight

122 15 18

having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion..

  Foolish: having or showing a lack of good sense, judgment, or discretion

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   Hauling the heavy suitcase down the stairs, the wheels clicked loudly as it collided with each step. The sudden sound of someone chuckling caused me to look up. Josiah smiled at me from the top of the steps.

" All that work, when all you had to do was ask for some help" grinning he walked down the steps, taking the handle of the suitcase from me and lined it up at the front door next to Amber's.

" You know I like to do things on my own" I smiled innocently.

" Yeah, yeah" he put both his hands on my shoulders. " But I need you to promise me you'll be safe while you're there. Main landers are not exactly the locals favorite people-"

Playfully I pushed his hands away. " I'll be fine, plus we're taking Amber's families plane so I can take what I need to protect myself "

Proudly Josiah pointed at me. " I knew you had some functional brain cells in there. Anyways do have any plans for tonight or are you going to hang out here?"

" I'll be here until Amber gets back from her date with Marco and when the plane lands later tonight I'll be gone. What about you?"

He grinned gesturing towards himself. " I've got a date but don't hesitate to call me if anything happens "

" Will you just go? I'll be fine" I pointed at the door. Chuckling I pushed Josiah out of the door and waved once he got in his Lincoln and drove away. Once again everyone had plans, so I enjoyed my favorite pastime.

Watching cartoons and eating ice cream.

Picking a season of the Grim adventures of Billy and Mandy, I pulled the fleece blanket from behind the couch over my legs and completely emersed myself.

Almost a hour passed when the sound of the doorbell ringing snapped me out of my cartoon, sugar fueled daze. Then I suddenly remembered all of my brothers had keys, picking up my phone I checked for any missed texts from anyone.

There was none.

Coyly I flipped to the channel where a live stream from the camera at the front door could be seen. My weak heart pounded excitedly at the sight of Nick, he wore a look of impatience running a hand through his hair. Sighing loudly he looked directly at the camera.

" I know you're there Mia, open the door"

Only fighting with my thoughts for a moment, I sighed, tossing the blanket aside and getting up. Stuffing my phone in my back pocket, my fleece socks padded soundlessly as I strode over to the door and unlocked the heavy deadbolts then pulled it open. Immediately a smug grin stretched across his face as his eyes roamed my body.

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