Eighty Seven

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I drove for over a hour and the awkward silence would have bothered me but my anxiety was too high to let it get to me. It was a old motel with little traffic that I only been to once before. It was perfect to lay low just until Corey could get in touch with his family. Nick wasn't going to come way out here, he didn't even know about this place. Pulling into the up hill parking lot, I finally released a deep shaking breath.

Turning off the engine I leaned back against the seat, looking at my phone and mentally cursed at Nick's missed calls. Quickly I started to text a response.

" Thank you for this "  Corey said suddenly.

Slowly I looked up from my phone. " Don't thank me, I didn't do this for you. Josiah refused to help Mia. I did this for her"

Chuckling he nodded. " You won't even admit but you love her and I can honestly say I'm fucking jealous. The one time I actually try to do something for her I end up running for my life"

" Corey-"

-" it's okay man, I don't care. As long as you treat her right" he said sternly

I nodded. " I intend to"

Chuckling Corey sighed and opened the door.

" Hold on" I called out, digging into my back pocket to get my wallet. Corey shut the door behind him, hitching his bag over his shoulder.

" I don't need that" Corey excuse and held up his phone. " I have a emergency fund I can tap into"

" You sure?"

" I'm sure and, you better tell Mia how you feel before I get the balls to come back"

" Hilarious"

Corey laughed as he walked away. Sighing I glanced down at my ringing phone as Nick's name lit up my screen again.

Corey was right, if I wanted Mia I shouldn't wait anymore, not only was he competition but I knew in my heart Nick still was too.



5 days later


                      Smiling to myself I let out a deep breath as I sat my forearms onto the railing, leaning against it. A girl squealed from behind me as the music thumped loudly only encouraging the many bad decisions that were bound to happen tonight.  Pulling my phone out again the smile didn't leave my face as I read the text from Mia once more.

Mia- I'm on my way

At first she acted as though she wasn't going to come. Even though she wasn't willing to admit it I knew she was still hurting because of Nick. Mia hadn't gone to any parties since their break up and everyone knew she wasn't coming to this one. She didn't want to see Nick. She avoided him like the plague at school, if he came to her house she wouldn't leave her room. If she was at the mall or out to eat and he showed up, she would leave. Mia wanted no contact with Nick what so ever but once I told her that he wouldn't be here. She said she would think about it and now she should be here soon. I planned on laying out all my cards and telling her everything, especially how I felt about her. I couldn't hide it anymore if she was willing to have me I didn't want to start our relationship surrounded by lies.

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