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                 Suddenly his grip tightened around my waist and he kissed me back. His eyes fluttered open, coaxing my mouth open with his, he slipped his tongue inside. He tasted like toothpaste and the hot metal stud inside of my mouth flicked once more. I shivered, holding onto him. Pushing me onto my back, he dipped his fingers inside of the shorts. His fingers stroked my slit and gently  massaged my pearl as waves of pleasure washed over me and I moaned in his mouth. Deepening our kiss, I rolled my tongue inside of his mouth and he plunged a long finger inside my wetness. I gasped moaning loud breaking our kiss.

His silver eyes were low as he stared at me. " Don't do that, you know what that does to me" he said lowly sliding his finger in and out.

Breathing in jaggedly I dug a hand in his hair, kissing him again. My body was hot and electrified as I craved him. I rolled my tongue once more. Nick let out a groan. " That's dangerous Mia, I would stop unless you want this. " He hastily grabbed my hand and dipped it inside of his pants. He wore no underwear. Instinctively I wrapped my fingers around the long, thick, veiny rod that was throbbing in between his legs. It was a lot bigger than I remembered.

Talk about a growth spurt.

He watched me hungrily. " Do you want that?" He asked lowly.

" Yes" I purred eagerly, stroking him.

Nick held in a groan. " I want to hear you say it" his fingers stopped

" Say what" I whined grinding against his hand. Everything in me was begging for him.

" Tell me, you want me" he demanded lowly.

" I want you, I want you now Nicholas" I pleaded then slammed my lips onto his. Nick kissed me deeply, hungrily, tossing the blanket off of us, he wasted no time kicking his pajamas off. He quickly climbed back into the bed where our lips met again. He tugged on the hem of my shirt pulling upwards. I raised my arms so he could take it off. Throwing it to the floor, he paused looking at me then cupped my breasts in his hands. Leaning down he kissed my tender lips gently and my nipples hardened under his thumbs. I gasped as the tingling sensation intensified as he caressed my jaw, down my neck, in between my breasts.

"Nick" I moaned arching against him as his tongue swirled around each of my nipples The silver stud was unbelievably hot as it pressed into my sensitive skin. A loud moan escaped as he gently tugged on the two little golden bulbs on each side of my peaks with his teeth. With a devious look in his eyes I knew he was happy I kept my piercings.

" My Mia" he said softly. His breath tickled as he kissed down my belly. Sliding the shorts off, he kissed the inside of my thighs making his way to my peach. I shivered with anticipation as he parted my lips and I could feel his hot breath. Suddenly his tongue flicked my clit and a jolt of pleasure shot through me. He did it again, and again then slid his finger inside again. The room spun as i moaned shakily. I hadn't been touched by anyone like this in years and my body was already at it's peak. I gasped and croaked a scream as he started to suckle my pearl. My legs shook as I looked down at him and dug a hand in his silky hair.

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