Ninety Five

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"                Sometimes the words that spew from Nick's mouth can actually make sense. He claims that if you're feeling confident enough, you can damn near do anything.

                    And I did.. with my now severely swollen knee. Soon as I got home, I seen the trespasser and throwing my car into park I jumped out chasing after them. Once I tackled them to the ground it was over, the security team offered to take care of them. But I knew I needed to, all year my dad has been drilling into my head that I needed to be ready to take his place in a moments notice. But as I gazed at the man dangling from the metal pipe, his torso covered in purple and black bruises with one of his eyes swollen shut he still refused to speak.

         Leaning against the mud sink, I exhaled tapping my fingers impatiently. I didn't want to do this, but I couldn't get rid of him without any information. He had no wallet, no phone, just a camera. He had been taking photos of the house, of the locations the security frequented. Taking a deep breath, I contemplated on my next move.

" You really want to do this? I'm willing to negotiate but you have to speak for that to happen" I spat tiredly.

The man's body swung slightly as his feet dangled above the floor with his hands tied together above his head. He only stared at me with his one good eye, not muttering a single word.

" Fine, we'll do this the hard way" I sighed, I was not a torturous kind of person. 

But I knew someone that was.

Pulling my phone from my pocket. After ringing for a few times, they finally answered.

"Yeah?" The voice was low and drowsily.

" I know it's late ass fuck but I could use your help with something"


                  Cringing I lit the blunt between my lips. The sound of a electric drill spinning echoed loudly right before a wet, ear piercing scream ripped through the air.

" Kaleb" Nick barked from the other side for me to come in. Pushing open the door, my stomach clenched as I took in the sight before me. He was no longer hanging from the ceiling but now placed in a chair. Blood dripped off the man's chin down his chest where his shirt had been ripped open exposing several punctures in his flesh. Both arms were strapped to the wooden arm rests but only one bleed horrifically with long screws drilled through the flesh and bone and into the wooden arm rest. The man trembled painfully with his eyes full of hate, glaring between Nick and I.

" See if he talks now" Nick nodded towards the guy as he leaned against the mud sink. He wore a heavy yellow apron with gloves to match, both splattered with dark blood.

Sighing I walked over to the man and squatted down in front of him.

" Who are you?"

The man shook viciously biting into his lip.  Still said nothing. Sighing again, I glanced back at Nick as he attached a different tool to the tip of his drill. It didn't resemble the one that was there before but this one looked like something you'd find in a medieval dentist office. But I was sure it was something that Nick took from one of Tony's construction sites. Looking back at the man, his tough facade had faded and a look of fear filled his eyes. Looking back towards me, he corrected his expression but it was too late.

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