Ninety Nine

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Sunday 11:37pm

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Sunday 11:37pm

" Are you sure this is going to work?"

Sighing tiredly I looked back at Nick as he typed furiously on his phone. I knew I shouldn't but I couldn't help but wonder if it was Mia. After leaving her, I just wanted to turn back and at least make sure she made it home safely. But I forced myself not to, she was playing me and I just couldn't tolerate that kind of shit.

I'm nobody's fuckin puppy.

Looking down the empty dimly lit road, hardly any traffic came this way but once Eli hacked into the truck's routing system it was being redirected to come this way.

" Keep your panties on, it should be here. You have plenty of time to text Mia" I spat sarcastically.

Nick raised a eyebrow. " Mia? Mia doesn't even open the texts from me anymore. I'm talking to Dom, I think he knows where she's going but he's being a bitch about it."

My eyebrows came together just as a bright light reflected off of Nick's Audi. Squinting I shielded my eyes from the light as the diesel truck hummed loudly creeping up the narrow road. It's brakes screeched as it jolted to a stop, immediately the drivers window rolled down.

" Hey boys, what's the hold up? Somethin wrong with your car?"

Exchanging a quick glance with Nick, I then hurried over to truck. The man peered over the window, dark eyes sat under the brim of his hat while a thick ginger red beard hid the rest of his face.

" Yeah, everything was fine until we came through here then out of nowhere it just stalled out. Our phones are dead and as you can see it's a nice car. We don't want to just leave it here" I chuckled light hearted.

A sympathetic look came over the man's face and he nodded understandingly.

" I know what, that's like. I can take a look at it and see if I can get it started for you"

" We would really appreciate it" I stepped back so he could step out of the truck. To my surprise the man was short with a big round stomach, he even had a waddle when he walked. I followed behind as he stood next to Nick, he turned the flashlight on his phone and peered under the hood of the car.

" You said it just stalled out?" He asked leaning over.

" Yeah, the battery seems fine so we thought it might be the starter" I lied, nodding to Nick over the man's shoulder.

Sighing the man stood back straight just as Nick pressed the barrel of his glock to the side of the man's head.

" Yeah, you know what that is" Nick taunted grinning smugly.

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