Ninety Three

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" Go change, Kaleb said this place is dangerous so you shouldn't be wearing anything sexy, both of you" Micheal gruffed as he looked at Amber and I through his reflection as he pulled the sleeves of his flannel up

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" Go change, Kaleb said this place is dangerous so you shouldn't be wearing anything sexy, both of you" Micheal gruffed as he looked at Amber and I through his reflection as he pulled the sleeves of his flannel up. Amber and I exchanged glances as I dropped my arms and looked down at my outfit but I didn't complain. I don't know what was going on with the boys but when Marco and Michael walked through the door, intensions were high. Not towards each other but just high like something had happened but either of them said a word. 


                       Marco went into Josiah's room while Michael came into mine, and proclaimed that Josiah was going to get us in to see the fight. Though a part of me was happy, I couldn't help but notice the cold tone in his voice. It was enough for me not to question him.

Trudging into my closet, I closed the door behind me and peeled out of my outfit. Grabbing a pair of acid washed high waisted skinny jeans and a white baby tee, I pulled on the clothes and stepped back out.

" Okay, how's this?" I gestured towards myself.

Micheal's eyes raked up and down my body and as he looked in my face, he gave me a dead panned look.

" Does everything you wear, have to look like that?"

" Like what?"

" Yeah, please enlighten us Michael" Amber teased, bumping her hip into mine as she strode over to the full length to check out herself one more time.

Michael inhaled just as he started to speak the door to my room swung open.

" You guys ready or what?" Josiah asked, tucking his shirt into his pants.

" Yeah, we're coming"

With a nod Josiah walked down the hallway, leaving the scent of his cologne lingering in the hallway. Michael followed behind as I threw my purse over my shoulder and grabbed my phone. Turning off the lights and closing the door behind I released a deep breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I had no idea what tonight would bring but the adrenaline that pumped through my veins kept me from chickening out.


The parking lot was large and vast but understandably so, it was a strip club. The dark building was as wide as it was tall with thin steel poles in between the dark glass walls with the word Dime in  suave cursive made of white neon lights in the dead center. The line wrapped around the building behind a black velvet rope but we didn't wait in line, following Josiah he strode right up to over the unapproachable looking guards that blocked the doors. A sly grin stretched across one of their face's and a hand clasped Josiah's in a hand slap. Something was said in a low tone that caused Josiah to chuckle and the guard stepped out of the way to let us inside. Music thumped underneath a loud rumbling of hoots and cheers. It was dimly lit with bright neon strips ripping through the black stone floor in prestige lines mimicking the ceiling above. A fine glitter lightly misted from the rafters and hung in the air as if to divert attention from the many conflicting scents that lingered in the air. Weed, cigarettes, cologne and gag worthy body odors. There was exactly ten individual small stages, each where stunningly beautiful women flaunted their bodies, hiding nothing. A large stage stood proud shining bright lights on several girls that were clearly the headliners as a never ending rain of bills fluttered to their feet.

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